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Coach Matt Christensen Left A Lasting Impact On Athletes

By Tom Kelly
November, 27 2021
Brian Curratt, Speedy, and Matt at Deer Valley Score Event in 2007

It’s easy to measure a coach’s success by medals and globes. It’s harder to evaluate the impact a coach has on the lives of athletes. But one thing’s for sure: Longtime U.S. Freestyle Ski Team aerials coach Matt Christensen was a gold medalist in each category.

Christensen, who coached the U.S. aerials team from 1998 until 2010, passed away October 31 in Hawaii, where he lived. In the time since his passing, his athletes and fellow coaches have remembered him as a friend who always stayed in touch and as a coach who had a special way of helping his athletes achieve not only their athletic dreams but to find their pathway in life.

His career with the U.S. Ski Team was bookended with a 2002 Olympic silver from Joe Pack and a 2010 Olympic silver from Jeret “Speedy” Peterson. In 2009, he was at the helm when Ryan St. Onge won the World Championship in Japan. He left the U.S. Ski Team in 2010 for an opportunity with Red Bull where he used his knowledge of acrobatics to help global athletes across a wide range of sports.

Matt Christensen


Canadian Athlete

A Canadian native, he grew up in Guelph, Ontario and later moved to nearby Toronto making his way to the Canadian Freestyle Team - a ski ballet national champion who turned aerialist. As an international athlete, he had 14 top-10 World Cup finishes in aerials and acro (ballet) and was 14th in aerials at the 1993 World Championships. 

Traveling the world as a Canadian athlete, he was quick to pick up friends, building what would become one of the largest Rolodexes in the sport - a network of friends and colleagues that would serve him throughout his life.

What was unique about him as an athlete was his ability to translate his initial career in ballet into aerials. “How he transformed his acrobatic awareness from ballet and kind of showed up on the aerial hill one day was pretty fascinating to me,” said world champion freestyle skier Trace Worthington, who competed at a similar time. “I'll never forget - there are only a couple of people who've really done that successfully - Matt Christensen and Richard Pierce - who became aerialists from being a good ballet skier.”

As the 1998 Olympics loomed in the foreground, he saw that he was not likely to crack the top selection for a trip with Canada to the Nagano Games. So he started to set his sights on new opportunities. And he looked south across the border to America.


Coming to America

That winter, Christensen did show jumping to get by. But his focus moved to coaching. He landed a job with aerials guru Nick Preston at the training pool in Lake Placid. At the same time, U.S. Freestyle Ski Team Head Coach Wayne HIlterbrand was in the market for another coach for his growing aerials team. 

“I knew that I had a pretty big need for an additional coach,” said Hilterbrand, who oversaw the entire freestyle program as well as coaching aerials. “So I offered him the job as C Team aerials coach, essentially our development team. He accepted.”

Just months after Eric Bergoust and Nikki Stone swept aerials gold at the 1998 Nagano Olympics, the fledgling new coach was now hooked into the red hot U.S. aerials team. It was also a transitional period, with a generation of athletes retiring and a new wave coming on. 

Hilterbrand recalls the new thinking that Christensen brought to the team. “He had a lot of ideas that really made sense and I hadn't thought of,” he said. “They were ideas that made a pretty big difference.”

One of those ideas was greater integration of trampoline skills as a means of raising skill level. “I had used trampoline for learning tricks and then taking them to snow. Matt was trying to extend their skills on a trampoline more extensively than I was. That was huge. It really helped athletes to be able to perform better. As a young coach, he brought stuff to the table that I hadn’t really thought of and it was great.”


Matt Christensen with Emily Coo


Uncompromising Belief in Athletes

Young aerialist Emily Cook met Christensen at her first aerials World Cup in January of 1998 at Mont Tremblant. A month earlier he had competed in his final event at Tignes. “Matt was there and I think he just decided at that event like, ‘All right, I’m done.’ And the next fall he came on as our C Team coach - my coach.”

Cook saw early on that he was more than a coach. “He was a dynamic human being,” she said. “He was good at keeping in touch with people. You would always get a random text or phone call. While some of us just hunker down and move on, he wasn’t like that.”

Despite going on different pathways in life, Christensen stayed in touch. “I actually saw him three weeks ago at a Red Bull event,” said Cook. “He was just the same as he had always been.”

Over the next three seasons, Cook would grow into one of the best aerialists in the world. She was ranked sixth in the 2001 World Cup - the top American. She won the Olympic qualifying Gold Cup at Lake Placid and was soaring into the Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games as a medal favorite.

But the euphoria came crashing down two weeks before the opening ceremony when she shattered her feet in a dramatic training crash in Lake Placid. She wouldn’t compete again for three years.

“Matt was a fiercely loyal coach,” said Cook, who was devastated by the injury. “He believed in me every step of the way.”

She recalls lying half asleep after the accident on the couch in a condo her father Don had rented in Lake Placid. Matt was there talking to her father. “Matt was saying to my dad, ‘Everything is going to be OK. We’re going to take care of her. She’s going to get healthy and come back better than ever.’

“But what struck me was that he had so much going on. He was preparing for a hometown Olympics. But he took the time to spend that day with my dad and myself. It was so hard for us. But he set the stage for everything that afternoon. I knew that he was the type of coach that had every bit of belief in me.”

During Cook’s comeback, Christensen was always there for her. “I always knew that he had my back,” she said. “Without that, I don’t know what those years would have looked like or what my future in the sport would look like.”


Just Loved Working With Athletes

“He just loved working with the athletes,” said Worthington, who retired in 1997 and was beginning his own career in broadcasting. “You could just tell they just really loved jumping for him. And he made it fun. He did a lot of things outside of just coaching. He was a guy who truly was engaged in athletes’ personal lives and cared about what they were doing.”

After two seasons as C-Team coach, Christensen stepped up to the head aerials coach position when Hilterbrand retired in 2000. As he embarked on his new role, he took the helm of a team in transition. With the development of summer training pools in both Lake Placid and Park City in the ‘90s, aerials was booming in America. And a new wave of future stars like Cook, Peterson and Pack was beginning to rise up.

“Matt Christensen was a big piece of who I was and how well I did,” said Pack, who soared to Olympic silver in front of hometown fans at Deer Valley Resort. “He managed the personalities of the men's aerials team. We didn't do things very traditionally, if you will. But we produced results. Matt was so good at making sure the athletes made it fun. And when they needed support, he did it for everybody - he didn't pick favorites.”

“He was the head coach of the aerials team when being a member meant being family,” said St. Onge. “He kept that family together while we were competing and the decade since.”

Leading into the 2006 Olympic season, Christensen organized a Navy SEALS camp with the team’s high performance director Andy Walshe. “That camp really brought us all together,” said Cook. “I mean, that was the closest team I’ve ever been on. And he was the anchor.”

It was also a period where the sport was growing. Aerials had debuted at the 1994 Lillehammer Games. The U.S. Freestyle Ski Team was one of the hottest global brands in ski sport. And the Deer Valley World Cup was becoming the marquee stop on the international tour.

“The team was getting bigger, there was more fundraising, the jump sites were getting better and there was more TV,” said Pack. Christensen saw that and pushed his teams into the national and worldwide spotlight.

Peterson, a sometimes unpredictable athlete from Boise, Idaho, was becoming the calling card for the team with his seemingly crazy Hurricane - a quintuple-twisting triple flip that carried a high degree of difficulty and a ton of risk. Unlike typical triple flips that featured single twists on two flips plus one double, the Hurricane included a single twisting flip coming in and going out, but sandwiched a triple twist on a flip in between. It was amazing to watch!

“Matt and Speedy, they were like brothers,” said Luke Bodensteiner, who was head of athletics during Christensen’s tenure. “That was one of the tightest coaching relationships I've ever experienced. He'd been through all of Speedy’s roller coaster rides. But he believed in Speedy so much. They worked one-on-one for so long. They were absolutely best friends.”

“Matt was really good at helping keep Speedy between the lines,” said Jeff Wintersteen, a former athlete who became head freestyle coach in 2000.

“Speedy and I were both products of Matt's coaching,” said St. Onge. “I can't think of two more different and difficult athletes to coach. Speedy was a force of nature, a hurricane, and Matt expertly predicted where he was headed and cleared the way for him to land. I know Speedy would agree, there was no other person in the world that could have coached him better.”

Going into the 2006 Olympics in Torino, NBC drew a sharp focus on Peterson. During the final week of the Games, all eyes were on the tiny village of Sauze d'Oulx for the men’s aerials finals. After the first round, he stood third with the top three each throwing full-double full-full - a pretty traditional opening round jump.

That set the stage for Speedy. He and Christensen talked between jumps and Speedy opted to go big, shooting for gold with the Hurricane. The crowd was mesmerized as Peterson started spinning. He nearly stuck the landing, but ever so delicately touched a hand to the snow behind him. The judges saw it, dropping him down to what would become seventh place.

“We were struggling with speeds during that whole comp,” said Wintersteen. Continually falling snow forced athletes to change their start spots. “Speedy was just a little bit slow. And when you're slow, he had to pull in for that second flip. If you can stretch down to the landing, it's easier to stick it. When he had to pull just a little bit, it's hard to keep the momentum from going back, and that's why he touched.” 


Teammates Carry Speedy After DV Record Score Win


The Night the Sport Will Never Forget

It was a cold night in Deer Valley as thousands of fans screamed in celebration. Up on the knoll, Christensen stood on the edge as Peterson launched off the kicker.

With the triple twist in the middle of the Hurricane, Speedy had virtually no visibility of the ground at any time. As he launched skyward, Christensen began to yell. The coach’s commands were the athlete’s lifeline, as Christensen called him through his four seconds to fame.

January 11, 2007 was a night freestyle will never forget. 268.70 - a record two-jump aerials score that may never be eclipsed.

“With Speedy, it was always like, ‘I want to go for it,’” recalled Wintersteen. “Matt was really good with Speedy. He knew when to press the gas with him and when he had to tap the brakes.”

After the 2006 Olympics, Christensen looked to shore up his staff. He approached longtime athlete Brian ‘Curdog’ Currutt, who had retired in 2003. Curdog couldn’t resist.

“Speedy threw a lot of caution to the wind,” said Currutt. “He would say, ‘I’m just doing it. It doesn’t matter. This is MY jump! And Matt always encouraged that, which I think was awesome. That’s one of the things that brought out the best in Speedy. Matt was like, ‘all right, let’s go for this.’”

For Christensen, and Peterson, it was a special night. “It was just kind of Speedy,” said Wintersteen. “It was a hill we're used to. And more importantly, I think Speedy just was a little bit bigger at Deer Valley. He just had a little bit more confidence. He felt a little bit more invincible. When Speedy was feelin’ it, well, it was hard to say ‘no, let’s just back off a bit,’” said Wintersteen. There was no backing off that night.

As teammates swarmed Peterson in the finish, Christensen put on his own show, literally flying off the knoll, ski boots postholing as he sprinted down the landing hill, relishing every second of that special night as teammates hoisted Speedy to their shoulders.


Matt Christensen with 2010 Olympic Team


The Culmination

A decade into his career as head aerials coach, Christensen brought a strong team of aerialists into the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. 

“Vancouver was kind of the culmination of everything,” said Currutt. “We knew things were going to be different after that.”

After the first jump, Peterson stood fifth with St. Onge eighth. Canadian home snow favorite Kyle Nissen held a commanding lead. But the stage was set to unleash the Hurricane one more time.

There was little discussion between Christensen and Peterson. It was go big or go home. Speedy hit the jump and soared higher than ever. Christensen, ever his co-pilot, screamed at the top of his lungs as Speedy twisted and rotated, sticking the landing and pumping his fist.

“We do a subjective sport,” said Currutt. “But I think Matt in his mind thought that Speedy had won - and we all did. But the silver was just fine too, you know? That silver was kind of a culmination of everything that Matt did.”

To Christensen, the Olympic medal was more than an athletic accomplishment. 

“With the road Speedy was on and everything that those guys had been through over the years as friends and as coach-athlete relationship, the demons that Speedy had tried to work to overcome - Matt was there the whole way,” said Currutt. “So for Speedy to win that, that medal, that was everything for Matt.” 

The silver medal was the 21st for U.S. Ski & Snowboard at Vancouver, sealing its unprecedented run to become best in the world.


A Friend Forever

In the social media posts that have been shared and in conversations with mutual friends from the past since his passing, one message has remained vividly clear. Matt stayed in touch.

Wintersteen heard from longtime Chinese coach Li Yang, a colleague from his past. “He told me, ‘Yah, Matt and I just talked.’” 

Stone, who won Olympic gold in 1998, only crossed paths with Christensen as a coach for a few years. Her social media post summed up what others were saying. “He was an incredibly thoughtful person. Every so often, I would find a package in my mailbox filled with these Wunderbars. Matt knew they were my favorite so every so often when he went to Canada (they are only sold there), he’d send me some. Just because...” 

Christensen was Kate Reed Currutt’s coach for her entire World Cup career, from her debut in 2000 at Deer Valley through her World Cup podiums in Ruka and Mt. Tremblant and to two World Championships. She wrote:

“As I sift through “grief quotes” a common theme is: grief does not exist without love. And with that, Matt was loved by so many. So many fun times around the world (literally). ALWAYS a competition around who would get upgraded on the flights, who would make 1K first. I can say that a number of times I did beat him in the above, however if it were a chicken wing eating contest…I gracefully bowed out of that one. We will miss you, Matt. The world is a little less bright and sarcastic.”

St. Onge laughed about all the texts he would receive. “The messages would come at a random hour of the night and often months since any of us have reached out to each other,” he said. The messages showcased Christensen’s mastery of sarcasm and humor, some of them pushing the envelope just a bit. “I'm sure that everyone had side splitting laughter for about a minute as messages were passed back and forth between Matt and the rest of the Team.”



In August 2011 friends and teammates gathered in Boise to remember Speedy. It was a profoundly sad time for the freestyle community. For Christensen, it was like losing a brother. Maybe even deeper.

As hundreds gathered, Matt clutched a piece of paper on which he had written words about his friend. But the grief was overwhelming. Cook reached out to console him, taking the note from his hand, offering to convey his words to the crowd.

Christensen wrote about Speedy as more than an athlete. Even more than a friend. They shared a great comfort level. For a decade, Matt Christensen had been so much more than a coach in the troubled life of an athlete that featured the highest of highs and lowest of lows. He balanced an aerials team of diverse personalities that shared the common bond of competing in a sport that put them constantly on the edge of life and death.

“We shared countless wonderful times together,” Christensen wrote. “It didn’t matter if it was celebrating a podium or a win at the bottom of an air site or if we were sitting on a plane for 14 hours going someplace we dreaded (China comes to mind) or marching at the Opening Ceremony. Speedy and I could find fun in just about anything,” he wrote.

A tear welled up in Cook’s eye as she read along, ever mindful of her coach’s emotions.

“I can tell all of you Speedy’s competitive history, results, world records, scores, where and what events he competed his signature Hurricane, where he won, etc. There are some things I can’t tell you. I cannot tell you all of the nice things he has done for his teammates, coaches, friends, and incredibly, the nice and thoughtful things he did for people he didn’t even know. I can honestly say that there are only a few people who have walked into my life and changed it forever and Speedy Peterson was one of them. I miss him so much.”

Ten years after Speedy’s passing, friends and teammates are reading those words from the Speedy Foundation yet another time. Once again, they are mourning the loss of a friend. And they remember not so much the statistics, the wins, the losses, the athletic innovation that he brought to the sport in 12 years with the U.S. Freestyle Ski Team or his 11 years with Red Bull. 

What they remember is the kindness of Matt Christensen that touched so many.

Nikki Stone summed it up well: “I wish I could tell Matt how special he was. In honor of Matt, please do something kind and unexpected for a friend today. I’m sure he’d love to know this kindness was being forwarded on his behalf.” 

“Matt had a big job pushing me up the hill every day,” said St. Onge in retrospect. “Most of my career I felt like if I wasn't progressing then I was failing. Matt did everything in his power to push hard with me to search for the next improvement. But it was Matt's unending belief in his athletes that helped me to realize that most of the time, you're already good enough.”


Remembering Matt Christensen

A private celebration of Matt’s life will be held at the Granite Club in Toronto on November 30. Given limited space, interested attendees are asked to RSVP to by November 22. Donations in Matt’s memory may be made to the Ian Walsh Menehune Mayhem Foundation, a youth-related cause in Hawaii that was important to Matt, through GoFundMe.


Wind, Weather Cancel HomeLight Killington Cup Giant Slalom

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
November, 27 2021

Due to inclement weather, the women's giant slalom at the Homelight Killington World Cup on Saturday, Nov. 27. has been canceled. Killington Resort reported 19 inches of new snow in the past 24 hours.

Heavy snow and high winds held off just long enough for the first nine racers to push out of the gate before the jury called an official cancelation. Among the athletes able to take their first run was Olympic champion, Mikaela Shiffrin, along with other top competitors on the women's giant slalom circuit – Slovakia's Petra Vlohva, France's Tessa Worley, Austria's Ramona Seibenhofer, Switzerland's Lara Gut Behrami, and Michelle Gisin, and Italy's Marta Bassino, Federica Brignone, and Sofia Goggia.

Weather, visibility, and some issues with timing led to an extended course hold, and the race never restarted.

Despite adverse conditions and low visibility, Shiffrin commented that the course itself held up well, much better than anticipated by a majority of the athletes. Before the official race cancelation, her plan was to come into the second run with aggression, and put on a good show for the home crowd. Tune into her full interview with NBC Sports above.

Sunday's slalom first run is scheduled for a 9:45 a.m. start.


All times EST

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
9:45 a.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 1- LIVE, Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - LIVE, Killington, VT, Broadcast NBC
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 2 LIVE, Killington, VT Streaming, Peacock
5:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - Same-day delayed broadcast, Killington, VT, Broadcast NBCSN

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here

Sport-specific broadcast and streaming schedules are available below:

Broadcast and streaming are updated on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website throughout the season.


Brennan Sixth in Dark, Cold Ruka Classic

By Tom Horrocks
November, 27 2021
Rosie Brennan
Rosie Brennan finished sixth in Saturday's 10k classic on a cold day in Ruka, Finland. (© Thibaut/NordicFocus)

Racing under the late afternoon darkness, on cold, hard snow, Rosie Brennan put her head down, settled into a fast pace, and led the Davis U.S. Cross Country Team with a sixth-place finish in the women’s FIS World Cup 10k classic in Ruka, Finland, Saturday.

Starting bib 38, Brennan settled into a comfortable pace and flirted with the podium at each interval, tickling fourth place at the 3.1k, 5k, and 6.1k marks. However, Sweden’s Frida Karlsson, starting bib 52, lit up the dark sky to earn her second World Cup victory, and in the process, relegated the legendary Norwegian Therese Johaug into second place. Germany’s Katharina Hennig was third.

"We had a solid morning of worrying about what layers to wear and how dark it was going to be," Brennan said. "All worked out in the end and I stayed warm out there and only had a few moments where it was truly too dark to see where I was going. I had really good skis and tried to just dig in and see where my body was at. I didn't quite have the extra push I needed in the end but stayed consistent and strong to hold on for a good result. I am really happy to be in the mix and to have a strong group to go chasing with tomorrow."

Among the other eight Americans, Jessie Diggins was 18th; Katharine Ogden 38th; Hailey Swirbul 41st; Caitlin Patterson 43rd; Novie McCabe made her World Cup debut finishing 53rd; Julia Kern was 55th, and Sophia Laukli was 61st.

"It was pretty good!" McCabe said of the World Cup debut. "For sure a bit overwhelming at times but luckily I always have great teammates around to point me in the right direction and I’m excited for tomorrow and the next few weekends over here!"

In the 15k classic men’s race, Gus Schumacher was the top Davis U.S. Cross Country Team finisher, just missing the points in 32nd after rebounding from a slow start. Schumacher hit the 1.1k mark of the 15k race in 59th position. At the 5k mark, he moved up to 29th, and then 24th just past the midway point of the race. 

“I tend to do better when I hold it in at the start and keep my lap times more consistent, and that felt like it worked for me today,” Schumacher said. “Generally, I felt like I had energy but didn’t quite have the shape to push super hard yet. Excited for tomorrow, and looking forward to having some higher gears.”

Finland’s Iivo Niskanen won, followed by Russia’s Alexey Chervotkin in second and Alexander Bolshunov in third. David Norris was 51st; Zanden McMullen finished 55th in his World Cup debut; Luke Jager was 60th; Ben Ogden 62nd; and Hunter Wonders in 67th.

"My performance wasn’t as I would have hoped dealing with ‘first race of the season sluggishness’ and some side cramps on the last lap," McMullen said of his inaugural World Cup experience. "But nonetheless it was very cool racing right next to skiers I’ve watched on TV since I was in middle school - surreal experience to say the least. I even laughed a little on the very first downhill of the race out of awe being in a World Cup race! Overall today only made me more pumped for tomorrow knowing I have more in me!"

Racing concludes Sunday in Ruka with a 10k women’s freestyle pursuit and a 15k men’s freestyle pursuit.

Women’s 10k Classic 
Men’s 15k Classic

Women’s World Cup overall
Men’s World Cup overall
Women’s World Cup distance
Men’s World Cup distance

FIS Cross Country World Cup
Ruka, Finland
Schedule/U.S. Starters

Sunday, Nov. 28
Men’s 15k freestyle pursuit

  • Gus Schumacher
  • Hunter Wonders
  • Zanden McMullen
  • Ben Ogden
  • David Norris
  • Luke Jager

Women’s 10k freestyle pursuit

  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sophia Laukli
  • Julia Kern
  • Novie McCabe
  • Caitlin Patterson

All times EDT
Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
4:20 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Women’s 10k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
6:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men’s 15k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here

Sport-specific broadcast and streaming schedules are available below:

Broadcast and streaming are updated on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website throughout the season.

2021-22 FIS World Cup Schedule
2022 Olympic Winter Games Schedule

Follow the Davis U.S. Cross Country Team:
Instagram: @usskiteam
Facebook: @usskiandsnowboard
TikTok: @usskiandsnowboard
Twitter: @usskiteam


Men's Downhill in Lake Louise Canceled

By Mackenzie Moran
November, 26 2021
Steve Nyman during men's downhill training in Lake Louise, 2019.
Steve Nyman during men's downhill training in Lake Louise, 2019.

Heavy snowfall last night and throughout the day in Lake Louise has caused the jury and local organizing committee to cancel the men's downhill scheduled for Friday, Nov. 26. The downhill will be rescheduled for a future date, yet to be determined.

There's still plenty of opportunities to satiate the racing bug this holiday weekend. As of Friday, Saturday's downhill and Sunday's super-G in Lake Louise are planned to run as scheduled. The women's field will compete in giant slalom and slalom events on Saturday and Sunday this weekend at the Homelight Killington Cup. 

All times EST

Saturday, Nov. 27
10:00 a.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - run 1 LIVE, Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
1:00 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - run 2 LIVE, Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
2:15 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup Men’s Downhill - LIVE, Lake Louise, CAN, Streaming PeacockSki, and Snowboard Live
3:00 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - same-day broadcast Killington, VT, Broadcast NBC

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
9:45 a.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 1- LIVE Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
2:15 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup Men’s Super G - LIVE, Lake Louise, CAN, Streaming PeacockSki and Snowboard Live
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - LIVE Killington, VT, Broadcast NBC
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 2 LIVE Killington, VT Streaming, Peacock
5:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - Same-day delayed broadcast, Killington, VT, Broadcast NBCSN

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here. For more information on how to watch broadcasts and streaming, visit our full "how to watch" breakdown.


Schoonmaker, Ogden, Jager Post Career-Best Day In Ruka Classic Sprint

By Tom Horrocks
November, 26 2021
JC Schoonmaker comes across the finish line in third in his semifinal heat Friday in Ruka, Finland. (© Modica/NordicFocus)

JC Schoonmaker, Ben Ogden, and Luke Jager posted career-best results to lead six Davis U.S. Cross Country Team athletes into the classic sprint heats in the opening FIS World Cup Cross Country race of the season in Ruka, Finland, Friday.

Schoonmaker advanced to the semifinals to finish seventh, Ben Ogden scored his first World Cup points, finishing 13th, and Luke Jager scored his first World Cup points in only his second-ever World Cup race, finishing 18th.

“It felt amazing to make those semis,” said Schoonmaker, whose previous career-best result was 18th in Dresden, Germany, last season. “Last year, I struggled to get through the quarters, so today was kinda a breakthrough moment, and it was fun to get into some uncharted territory. I felt great today, mentally and physically, and I’m really happy to be in this position starting the season.”

After posting the fifth-fastest qualifying time, Schoonmaker advanced through his quarterfinal heat, finishing second. In the semifinals, Schoonmaker charged forward from the back of the pack, throwing himself into the mix of the top three on the final climb. Things got interesting coming around the last corner when Sweden’s Markus Grate clipped teammate Anton Persson, bringing both athletes down.

“It all happened pretty fast, but the guy next to me just kinda skied into my ski and luckily I was able to keep my balance,” Schoonmaker said. “I went over to those Swedish guys after and said ‘good race and sorry that it happened.’ I don’t think it was anyone’s fault, just ski racing.”

Ogden and Jager, skiing in the fifth and final quarterfinal heat, looked strong as well but did not advance to the semifinals - finishing third and fourth, respectively. “It was a lot of fun,” Ogden said. “Feels damn good, but I’m hungry for more! Excited for more racing!" 

Russia’s Alexander Terentev, the 2021 Classic Sprint Junior World Champion, won his first-career World Cup race, edging Norwegians Johannes Klaebo in second and Erik Valnes in third. Logan Hanneman just missed qualifying for the heats in 33rd; Gus Schumacher was 56th in qualifying, and Kevin Bolger was 57th.

“We’ve all been watching this swell come in for several years,” noted Davis U.S. Cross Country Team WHead Coach Matt Whitcomb. “Today a few waves hit the shores, and our men’s squad is now starting to turn some heads on the world cup. JC, Ben, and Luke were having some fun today, and Logan (Hanneman) was damn close. Considering that today is our first race of the season, and we’ve only been on the snow in Europe skiing for one week, we can classify the day as great.”

In the women’s race, Jessie Diggins open her season stronger than ever, while donning the yellow World Cup leader’s bib. Diggins posted the day’s fastest qualifying time to advance to the heats along with Rosie Brennan and Julia Kern. “To win a classic sprint qualifier... I was not expecting that at all,” said Diggins. “Nobody was expecting that, so it was a fun surprise and an exciting little way to kick off the season.” 

Brennan led the women, finishing 15th, with Diggins right behind in 16th, and Kern 18th. “I think this was my best result in Ruka, even though I always want more,” Brennan said. “I felt I was missing a little top-end speed today, but I feel that I am on track and moving in the right direction. I’m excited to do some distance racing and to continue working out the kinks this weekend.” 

All three U.S. women looked strong throughout their quarterfinal heats, proving that the hard work this summer will start to pay dividends with more days on snow. “I felt like I had a lot of energy out there today, and our skis felt really fast,” Kern said. “I am proud of how I skied, and figuring out the last part of that final climb will hopefully come with more days skiing on snow!”

Sweden’s Maja Dahlqvist won her second career World Cup classic sprint, edging teammate Johanna Hagstroem in second, with Norway’s Maiken Falla in third. Hailey Swirbul was 37th in qualifying; Katharine Ogden was 52nd; Hannah Halvorsen was 53rd; Movie McCabe was 61st, and Sydney Palmer-Leger was 66th.

To complement the top-level fitness the athletes brought into the first race of the season, the U.S. Service Team also brought their A-Game to Ruka, nailing the wax on a cold, challenging snow day. “I was really, really proud of our tech team,” Diggins said. “We had excellent skis. They have been working really hard, and they nailed it.”

Racing continues Saturday in Ruka with a 15k classic for men and a 10k classic for women. Sunday features a 15k freestyle pursuit for the men and a 10k freestyle pursuit for the women. 

Women’s Classic Sprint
Men’s Classic Sprint

Women’s World Cup overall
Men’s World Cup overall
Women’s World Cup sprint
Men’s World Cup sprint

FIS Cross Country World Cup
Ruka, Finland
Schedule/U.S. Starters

Saturday, Nov. 27
Men’s 15k classic

  • Gus Schumacher
  • Hunter Wonders
  • Zanden McMullen
  • Ben Ogden
  • David Norris
  • Luke Jager

Women’s 10 Classic

  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sophia Laukli
  • Julia Kern
  • Novie McCabe
  • Caitlin Patterson

Sunday, Nov. 28
Men’s 15k freestyle pursuit

  • Gus Schumacher
  • Hunter Wonders
  • Zanden McMullen
  • Ben Ogden
  • David Norris
  • Luke Jager

Women’s 10k freestyle pursuit

  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sophia Laukli
  • Julia Kern
  • Novie McCabe
  • Caitlin Patterson

All times EDT

Saturday, Nov. 27
4:15 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men’s 15k - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
7:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Women’s 10k - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
4:20 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Women’s 10k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
6:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men’s 15k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here

Sport-specific broadcast and streaming schedules are available below:

Broadcast and streaming will be updated on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website throughout the season.

2021-22 FIS World Cup Schedule
2022 Olympic Winter Games Schedule

Follow the Davis U.S. Cross Country Team:
Instagram: @usskiteam
Facebook: @usskiandsnowboard
TikTok: @usskiandsnowboard
Twitter: @usskiteam


Schoonmaker 7th in Ruka

How To Watch: The Full Breakdown

By Mackenzie Moran
November, 26 2021
Killington World Cup Crowd
A massive crowd at the HomeLight Killington Cup cheers on the athletes.

This Olympic season, fans worldwide are chomping at the bit to follow their favorite World Cup athletes on the road to Beijing. For American fans, in particular, tuning in to international, and even domestic competitions can seem like a daunting task given the myriad of streaming options to choose from. Add on the complication of TV rights between host countries, and finding the event that you want to watch, when you want to watch it, gets even more confusing. 

But please, don’t fret. Our team has broken down your options, based on your viewing preferences and schedule. Consider it your trusty handbook for when too many options seem to lead to no good options.

To start, what exactly do we mean when we say, NBC Universal? 
NBC Universal is a parent company home to NBC, NBCSN, CNBC, Olympic Channel: Home of Team USA,, the NBC Sports app, and Through the number of channels at their disclosure, NBC Universal promises to provide live and same-day event coverage of alpine, cross country, freeski, freestyle, and snowboard events throughout the 2021/22 season, in addition to broadcasting the 2022 Olympic Winter Games from Feb. 4-20.

If you prefer watching the full broadcast… 
Tune into the live and/or same-day coverage of the event of your choosing on either NBC, NBCSN, or the Olympic Channel. To catch the events live, as they happen, set your alarm and tune in. Otherwise, if you have DVR capacities on your home television, be sure to hop on the night before an event and make sure to record said event to catch all the real-time action, full commentary, and more, at a time that is convenient for you. Unfortunately, not all events are available via broadcast, but if this is your preferred method of view, double-check our schedule to see if it's an option before peeling through your at-home TV schedule.

*Please note – U.S. Ski and Snowboard has a duty to report results as they happen on our social media channels. We also publish articles at the conclusion of substantial events that offer a brief recap of event happenings. If you’re a die-hard fan and don’t want to know the who, what, when, and where before you watch your event recording, please avoid our social media channels. 

If you don’t have access to broadcast television or want on-demand coverage of all FIS-sanctioned World Cup events, look no further than  
With NBC’s, live streaming and on-demand viewing are both an option for each and every World Cup event happening throughout the season. Alpine, cross country, freeski, freestyle, snowboard, ski jumping, and nordic combined World Cups, are all available to stream on Peacock. 

To customize your viewing experience, add specific events to your Peacock watchlist to easily find live streams the day of, and if you can’t burn the midnight oil, find the replays at a convenient time for you. 

But wait, how do you find events on Peacock? 
First, create an account. FIS World Cups are only available for viewing with a paid Peacock Premium subscription. At $4.99/month for sports with commercials and $9.99/month for sports without commercials, it’s worth the price of an oat-milk latte to never miss a moment this Olympic season. By subscribing now, it helps make the case for wider event coverage of our sports in the future. Plus, it's a great way to show your support for the sports you care about, the athletes, and all the folks that work hard to put on these events.

Once logged in, you can find FIS World Cup events by clicking on the sports tab, and scrolling down the page until you find the section titled Skiing & Snowboarding. By hovering your mouse over the scheduled broadcasts, two small arrows to the left and right will appear. If you don’t see your desired event immediately, click through the streaming list until you find the event you would like to watch (there are quite a few events happening each weekend, so don’t give up too quickly!) Once you get there, by clicking on the event, you can dive into the show live, or add it to your watchlist to easily find an on-demand replay for your viewing pleasure at a time that is convenient for you. Bonus, you can easily find your watchlist (including replays) under your account to skip all the scrolling farther down the line.

If you are having trouble with your Peacock account, please contact Peacock at

*Please note – streaming on DOES NOT include live event commentary on the vast majority of events. To hear full breakdowns from the likes of Steve Porino, Steve Schlanger, Ted Ligety, and more, you’ll have to tune in or record the broadcast, if it is available for your event.

If you want to stream the event, with English commentary, Ski and Snowboard Live makes that option available. 160 live FIS World Cup events will be available for fans to watch with English commentary at Ski and Snowboard Live. Each event does require that you purchase a pass to tune in. So rather than subscribing for a month to receive access to all FIS World Cup Events, you pay per event. 

New this season, all Austrian World Cup events will be available for U.S. fans to watch on the Ski World Cup Live app. For those of you that have followed the ongoing TV rights saga over the years, this is big news. Catch full event coverage with English commentary of all your favorite Austria-based events, including highlights, and on-demand replays, free with your account. Never miss out on the drama of the Hahnenkamm downhill again. 

How do I keep track of all this? 
Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available on our website, here. Sport-specific broadcast and streaming schedules are available below:

Broadcast and streaming schedules for the Networks of NBCUniversal, Ski and Snowboard Live, and World Cup Live will be updated weekly on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website throughout the season. Check-in regularly for the latest updates!

Thank you, as always, for your support. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at

Ruka Kicks off World Cup Cross Country Season Friday

By Tom Horrocks
November, 25 2021
Rosie Brennan and Jessie Diggins
Rosie Brennan and Jessie Diggins are among 19 Americas kicking off the season Friday in Ruka, Finland, with a classic sprint. (Nordic Focus)

Following a productive summer of training, 19 Americans are ready to kick off the FIS Cross Country World Cup season with the traditional season-opener in Ruka, Finland, featuring three races - classic sprint, classic distance, and freestyle pursuit events starting Friday.

Due to Covid restrictions in place to keep the athletes safe throughout the season, a number of the athletes departed the U.S. last week and said goodbye to their family and friends for the next four months as they embark on their World Cup journey and march toward the 2022 Olympic Winter Games. But thanks to the return of team camps this past summer, including many athletes participating in their club camps throughout the training season, the athletes enjoyed the opportunity to build a stronger bond with each other, which will pay huge dividends on the road this season.

“I'd say the number one thing is the team that we have on the road, both men's and women's teams have created a hospitable environment, an inviting environment,” noted Davis U.S. Cross Country Team Head Coach Matt Whitcomb. “One of the tickets to success is to build a successful team. But you don't really get the full understanding of what it does until you go through some times of adversity,” which the team experienced last season Whitcomb said. “We were constantly having to deal with changes to the schedule, trying to fit in Covid tests here and there; sometimes before races, which is happening this week. It's a constant logistical mess.”

Last season the team conquered so much adversity, but many athletes posted personal bests, their first World Cup victories, or podiums, and of course Jessie Diggins won the Tour de Ski and the overall and distance World Cup Titles. So heading into this season, everyone on the team has risen to the challenge of competing under the “new” normal. “It's not one person pulling the team,” said Diggins. “Is every single person showing everyday how they can make this team better!”

For a team that competes the entire season in Europe, the athletes have adapted well to life on the road with limited opportunities, outside of FaceTime, to see their family and friends. Heading into the 2022 Olympics, every team will face the same challenges with family and friends banned from the Games in China. But American cross country athletes will have a significant advantage.

“There's no team that travels internationally better than ours,” Whitcomb said. ‘“The Europeans are clearly at a disadvantage. Beyond that, what's unique about China is that we will be in the cold, and there is, you know, a 10th of an inch of precipitation in the month of February or something like that. So we know approximately what the weather is going to be like. And fortunately, with Swix, and L.L.Bean, we've been able to dial in some very warm options for clothing, and athletes will be prepared.”

Heading into Ruka this weekend, members of the Davis U.S. Cross Country Team will bring a mixed bag of expectations into the event, from reacquainting themselves with snow and skiing into race fitness to charging for the podium and World Cup points.

“Ruka has historically been a really tough course and a tough season opener,” said Hailey Swirbul, who brings a couple weeks of on-snow training into Finland, thanks to early-season snowfall in Alaska that offered her and her Alaska Pacific University Club teammates early season on-snow opportunities. “This year I'm just trying to stay positive, gain some race experience and hopefully hit the races later in (period 1) pretty hard.”

The team will have a mix of World Cup-experienced athletes and newbies this weekend, with three athletes making their World Cup debut, including Novie McCabe, Sydney Palmer-Leger and Zanden McMullen. Palmer-Leger is scheduled to start Friday’s classic sprint. McCabe will race in all events. McMulllen will compete in the men’s 15 classic Saturday, and the 15k freestyle pursuit Sunday.

One team member notable missing will be Scott Patterson, who plans to join the team next week in Lillehammer Norway. “We had Scott pull out just several days earlier because of a wrist that is healing,” Whitcomb said. 

FIS Cross Country World Cup
Ruka, Finland
Schedule/U.S. Starters

Friday, Nov. 26
Classic Sprint

  • Gus Schumacher
  • JC Schoonmaker
  • Kevin Bolger
  • Logan Hanneman
  • Luke Jager
  • Ben Ogden


  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sydney Palmer-Leger
  • Julia Kern
  • Hannah Halvorsen
  • Novie McCabe

Saturday, Nov. 27
Men’s 15k classic

  • Gus Schumacher
  • Hunter Wonders
  • Zanden McMullen
  • Ben Ogden
  • David Norris
  • Luke Jager

Women’s 10 Classic

  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sophia Laukli
  • Julia Kern
  • Novie McCabe
  • Caitlin Patterson

Sunday, Nov. 28
Men’s 15k freestyle pursuit

  • Gus Schumacher
  • Hunter Wonders
  • Zanden McMullen
  • Ben Ogden
  • David Norris
  • Luke Jager

Women’s 10k freestyle pursuit

  • Jessie Diggins
  • Rosie Brennan
  • Hailey Swirbul
  • Katharine Ogden
  • Sophia Laukli
  • Julia Kern
  • Novie McCabe
  • Caitlin Patterson

All times EDT

Friday, Nov. 26
6:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men and Women’s Freestyle Sprint - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Saturday, Nov. 27
4:15 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men’s 15k - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
7:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Women’s 10k - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
4:20 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Women’s 10k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
6:30 a.m. FIS Cross Country World Cup Men’s 15k Pursuit - LIVE,  Ruka, FIN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here

Sport-specific broadcast and streaming schedules are available below:

Broadcast and streaming are updated on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website throughout the season.

2021-22 FIS World Cup Schedule
2022 Olympic Winter Games Schedule

Follow the Davis U.S. Cross Country Team:
Instagram: @usskiteam
Facebook: @usskiandsnowboard
TikTok: @usskiandsnowboard
Twitter: @usskiteam


North America’s Much-Anticipated World Cup Return

By Megan Harrod
November, 25 2021
Mikaela Shiffrin Killington
Two-time Olympic champion and six-time world champion Mikaela Shiffrin, shown here after her 2019 HomeLight Killington Cup slalom victory (her fourth straight at the venue), will be headlining a deeply talented group of women who will start at the 2021 edition of the HomeLight Killington Cup this weekend. (Steven Earl Photography - U.S. Ski & Snowboard)

After a year without the North American FIS Ski World Cup series due to COVID-19 setbacks, everyone and their mother is frothing at the mouth for its return. From the HomeLight Killington Cup to the Xfinity Birds of Prey World Cup and Lake Louise, the excitement to be back on North American soil is palpable. It’s safe to say that this year, U.S. fans, staff, and athletes are collectively thankful for the return of our domestic races. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Happy Thanksgiving, indeed. 

Let’s Get Down to Business: the HomeLight Killington Cup
Let’s talk Killington first...and about the rivalry everyone is talking about. Slovakia’s Petra Vlhova vs. our very own Mikaela Shiffrin. They’re tied in first in the overall standings with 260 points after the first four races of the season. Shiffrin won the season-opening giant slalom World Cup and grabbed back-to-back second-place finishes in the Levi, Finland slaloms, despite an ongoing struggle with back pain that has interfered with her training schedule. 

Vlhova narrowly edged Shiffrin out on day one in Levi, and bested Shiffrin on day two by nearly half of a second...but Shiffrin made a heroic recovery that lost her at least that much time. It’s a rivalry for the ages, and Shiffrin—who has won all four World Cup slalom events held in Killington—will no doubt equally feed off the hometown vibes, and feel the nerves and expectation. 

Shiffrin is joined by a deep tech crew who comes into Killington leading the nation standings following the first giant slalom of the season. Nina O’Brien, Paula Moltzan, AJ Hurt, and Keely Cashman round out the crew, each with top-20 finishes under their belt on the World Cup circuit. Joining them are up-and-comers Zoe Zimmermann and Allie Resnick, who stamped their tickets to the Killington World Cup based on stellar HomeLight Foundation Series NorAM results at Copper Mountain

Following her results in Copper Mountain, Resnick said “I am really happy with my skiing during this race series and I’m even more excited for my first slalom and GS World Cup start in Killington. After Killington, we are heading to Europe for the Europa Cup races. I hope we can carry this momentum to Killington, and through the rest of the season.” 

Coach Coley Oliver echoed her statement, saying “While [this] is a large step from the NorAm circuit, I’m very confident in their skiing and cannot wait to see how they stack up with the best in the world. They raced this past week with the knowledge of the World Cup start qualifying criteria on their shoulders in addition to the normal stress of a NorAm and both excelled under that pressure. That ability to perform under pressure will be critical for them as they race more and more Europa Cup and World Cup races.”

Shiffrin spoke of the depth of the team, saying, “I’m really looking forward to heading into Killington with such a deep and talented team, including some fresh faces like Allie and Zoe, who have proven themselves at the NorAm level and earned their spots for Killington. We are bringing the best women’s tech crew into the Olympic season that I’ve seen since I’ve been with the team...and that’s been a long time. It’s exciting to see and experience, and the team environment is so solid and positive right now.” 

On the broader international front, keep an eye out for Switzerland’s ss Lara Gut and the Italian squad in giant slalom, along with France’s Tessa Worley, Poland’s Maryna Gąsienica-Daniel (my dark horse!), and New Zealand’s young phenom Alice Robinson. In slalom, one can’t discount Austria’s Katharina Liensberger and Sweden’s Anna Swenn Larsson, but watch out for our neighbors to the north, as the Canadians have a great amount of depth in the discipline, led by Erin Mielzynski and former University of Vermont standout Laurence St. Germain. 

What’s Up...Up North, Eh
Up in Lake Louise, the American men have had a solid couple of days of training. The track, which boasts new terrain features that somewhat mirror Val Gardena, Italy’s Saslong track, where both Steven Nyman and Bryce Bennet have excelled and Jared Goldberg has also had solid results. 

Travis Ganong led three into the top 10 on the first day of training in third. On day two, the final day of training, Ryan Cochran-Siegle posted the fourth-fastest time. The Austrians and the Norwegians, though...and that sneaky Swiss Beat Feuz, as well as Italy’s Dominik Paris, will be strong contenders.

Ganong and Cochran-Siegle both feel relieved to be back at Lake Louise. “It’s such a beautiful location, and the track is really fun...we definitely missed it last year,” noted Ganong. “Conditions this year - there’s tons of natural snow, and they were able to build up a bunch of terrain, so it’s pretty different from what we’ve seen in the past. There’s a lot of new rolls and terrain in different places, and a few new little jumps here and there, so it’s not your typical, kind of, highway tuckfest at Lake’s more intricate, more playful, more terrain. I like that a lot. I think it really suits my style.” As Ganong said, “Anything is possible.” 

Cochran-Siegle will enter the speed start gate for the first time since he fractured his neck on the Hahnenkamm in Kitzbuehel, Austria last January. He will head into Lake Louise with the same cautious optimism he has had in the past. “I’m feeling good...not amazing...just, I think there’s some better skiing to be found right now...not that I’m skiing poorly, just that I know that I can be cleaner in places and just have a little more of a race mentality,” he reflected. “I think skiing in sections was good today, but there’s still some time I’m losing in other places that I definitely need to figure out and clean up so that I can give myself the best chance on race day. Definitely a good warm-up, it seems, I’m trying not to put too much pressure on myself because I think that Lake Louise can be kind of a funny race and I’m not carrying too many expectations, but hopefully it’s a good weekend. It was fun to ski today.”

What’s New on the Broadcast
Two-time Olympic gold medalist Ted Ligety will return to NBC Sports’ alpine skiing coverage for the two upcoming domestic events, including the women’s giant slalom and slalom this Saturday and Sunday in Killington, Vt., and the Birds of Prey Super-G and downhill races in  Beaver Creek, Colo., Dec. 3-5.

“I’m excited to join NBC Sports as an alpine analyst this weekend in Killington and next weekend in Beaver Creek,” said Ligety. “I’m looking forward to feeling the race jitters, but from a new perspective, and to bring my love for skiing and all that I’ve learned as a racer to TV.”

The Inside Scoop - HomeLight Killington Cup
If there’s one thing I’ve taken away from the HomeLight Killington Cup (other than Mikaela Shiffrin being a complete boss), it’s that Herwig Demschar’s team throws an amazing party and knows how to put on an event. Case in point: the music.  All concerts are included with the purchase of HomeLight Killington Cup General Admission ticket or the premier seating option. Killington will host free concerts on the stage throughout the weekend featuring O.A.R., DJ Z-Trip, and G Love.

Even though none of the women competing at Killington will be able to meet, greet, and interact with the crowd, Ligety will be signing autographs on Saturday, November 27th after racing has concluded. WINTERSTEIGER, the global leader in ski service, has teamed up with Mr. GS to offer fans a taste of pre-Covid fanfare and fun. Hosted at Peak Performance Ski Shop, time and details to be announced on social media, the signing will run for 45 minutes. Peak Performance is just down the access road from the World Cup event at 2808 Killington Road and the signing will take place outside, so attendees should dress accordingly.

Just got your booster and looking for a night out, with a purpose? Look no further than the Pickle Barrel. On Saturday night, World Cup Dreams Foundation will be hosting a party, Saturday night after the women’s GS in Killington, WCD is partnering with the Pickle Barrel (the best Apres spot in Killington, VT) to host an Apres party in support of the World Cup Dreams grant fund, and when Slalom Tokyo Drift is involved, it’s bound to be a good time. Tickets are $11.50 and the event is 3-7 pm. Hang with U.S. Ski Team alumni like Ted Ligety, Andrew Weibrecht, Tommy Biesemeyer, and current athletes like AJ Ginnis (Greece), Alice Merryweather, and Sam DuPratt (who has a birthday on Sunday, FYI). 

Last but not least, we’re hearing there’s a post-World Cup party at none other than the Wobbly Barn. Of course there is. Would the HomeLight Killington Cup be the HomeLight Killington Cup without the Wobbly Barn?! Have a blast...and please, have a drink for me. 

Housekeeping Deets for the HomeLight Killington Cup - COVID-19 Protocol
All event attendees must have a World Cup ticket and will be required to go through a ticket/security checkpoint in front of K-1 Base Lodge to enter the festival village, K-1 Lodge and spectator areas. For families or groups who purchased tickets in one order, please plan to arrive together – only one person needs to show the QR code entry ticket. If this is not possible, one person in each arrival group must have the QR code entry ticket. Each QR code will only be valid for the number of admissions purchased.

All event attendees (except those who purchased K-1 VIP World Cup Parking Passes) will be required to park in a remote lot and use a shuttle to get to the event. Masks are REQUIRED for everyone on shuttles regardless of vaccination status.

Attendees 12 years and older will also need to show proof of vaccine or a negative Covid-19 test result (PCR or rapid antigen) that was administered by an official testing center. The test must occur no earlier than November 24, 2021. Home testing kit results will not be accepted for entry. Proof of vaccination may be shown via the actual vaccine card (or copy), a photo of the vaccine card on a phone, CLEAR Health Pass, NY Excelsior Pass, Docket, NYC Covid Safe, CommonPass, or VeriFLY.

Tune in this Thanksgiving weekend to cheer for the Americans as we kick off the bulk of our 2021-22 Olympic season World Cup action. 

Keely Cashman
Katie Hensien
AJ Hurt 
Paula Moltzan
Nina O’Brien
Allie Resnick
Mikaela Shiffrin

Zoe Zimmermann

Erik Arvidsson
Bryce Bennett
Ryan Cochran-Siegle
Travis Ganong
Jared Goldberg
Sam Morse
Steven Nyman

Men’s downhill training run 1
Men’s downhill training run 2

All times EST

Friday, Nov. 26
2:00 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup Men’s Downhill - LIVE, Lake Louise, CAN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live

Saturday, Nov. 27
10:00 a.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - run 1 LIVE, Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
1:00 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - run 2 LIVE, Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
2:15 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup Men’s Downhill - LIVE, Lake Louise, CAN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
3:00 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Giant Slalom - same-day broadcast Killington, VT, Broadcast NBC

Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021
9:45 a.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 1- LIVE Killington, VT, Streaming Peacock
2:15 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup Men’s Super G - LIVE, Lake Louise, CAN, Streaming Peacock, Ski and Snowboard Live
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - LIVE Killington, VT, Broadcast NBC
12:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - run 2 LIVE Killington, VT Streaming, Peacock
5:30 p.m. FIS Alpine World Cup HomeLight Killington Cup Women's Slalom - Same-day delayed broadcast, Killington, VT, Broadcast NBCSN

Current television broadcast and streaming schedules for all sports are available here


10 Questions With Kai Owens

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
November, 23 2021
Kai Owens
Kai Owens captured her first podium with a win to lead the U.S. women's dual moguls sweep at the 2021 Intermountain Healthcare Freestyle International at Deer Valley Resort. (U.S. Ski & Snowboard)

2021 Rookie of the Year Kai Owens caught up with FIS for their 10 questions Q&A series:

Continuing with our Q&A series today we bring you 10 questions with 2021 moguls Rookie of the Year Kai Owens out of USA. Enjoy! 

Q: Looking back at 2020/21 season, no doubt it was a very successful season for you. First World Cup victory, 4th place in the overall standing, impressive results at World Championships in Almaty that led to the Rookie of the Year award. What does it all mean to you? 

A: Last season meant a ton to me. It was full of adversity and there were many challenges that I faced. For me being able to find success in a difficult season is very exciting and confidence building. Overall I am very grateful for last season and the opportunities that were presented!

Q: Your first World Cup victory came in front of the home crowd in Deer Valley where you led the US podium sweep in dual. It’s hard to imagine a better introduction to World Cup podium. Can you tell us something more about that day and the feeling you had once it became clear you’re the winner of the day. 

A: Deer Valley last year was very special for me for so many reasons. I’d say a lot of stars aligned and the feeling I had after my last run was indescribable. I was very excited and proud of my team! That day was also very special for my family and I because we welcomed a new puppy into our family. He is a lilac French bulldog named Mochi. I woke up that morning of the competition and had already won because I got a puppy.

Q: What is the biggest challenge for you when competing during a worldwide pandemic and how do you deal with it?

A: The biggest challenge that I faced with the pandemic going on was the stress. Typically we deal with lots of pressure and performance related stress. But last season our safety and the safety of everyone else added extra. I personally deal with the challenge of the pandemic by practicing good hygiene, following all U.S Ski Team and CDC guidelines. And just doing my best to be mindful and positive. I hope and trust that everyone stays safe and I try to take advantage of all opportunities that we get during this time. 

Q: Now looking ahead to the new season with the Olympic Winter Games in Beijing on the horizon, what are your goals for 2021/22?

A: My goals for this upcoming season is to continue to build off of last year, and keep the momentum going. I am working towards making the U.S Olympic Team. It would be my first Olympics. 

Q: The US moguls team looks like one big family. You spend a lot of time together training, traveling and competing. What is like to be part of such a successful team? Who pushes you the most and how? 

A: We definitely are like a family. I am very grateful to be apart of an incredible team full of very talented individuals. I am especially grateful for their support and also their dedication to each other. I would say the women of our team push me the most. They not only push me physically and in training, but they push me to be a good teammate. I’m very proud to be apart of it! 

Q: What is your favourite World Cup venue to compete at?

A: Honestly I don’t have a favourite one. It’s definitely tied up between Deer Valley and Tazawako, Japan. I love the culture and time I got to spend in Japan, and I love getting to compete on home soil and on  the “Champion" run . However I will have to re-evaluate after this upcoming season, I would love the opportunity to compete in China, which is my birth country. And I would also really like to compete in France. So fingers crossed that I will make it to both! 

Q: Name three things you love about skiing moguls.

A: I love the challenge of moguls, mastering turns, jumps and being fast makes me feel like I’ll never get sick of it. Secondly I love the people and culture of mogul skiing. Finally I am definitely addicted to the adrenaline rush of skiing bumps. 

Q: Single or duals? And why?

A: I honestly like both equally. They are similar in lots of ways but different enough for me to not be able to compare them. I’d say I have a different mindset for each event. I definitely get more nervous for singles, and with duals it’s easier for me to focus on the rounds. Singles is what I train for, it’s the only mogul event in the Olympics and if I had to choose it would be singles. But duals definitely wins for excitement. 

Q: What do you wish for the future of the sport?

A: I hope to see our sport grow and I hope to see athletes continue to get better and progress further. 

Q: Name three things you never travel without on the World Cup circuit?

A: Ha! Well I’m not a light packer that’s for sure. My top three is ski equipment clothes and toiletries…  I consider those extreme necessities. But I have countless things I bring on World Cup that I wont travel without ie nutition, recovery, shoes, etc.

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McDonald wins FIS Open, Lemley finishes third

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
November, 22 2021
Cole McDonald
Cole McDonald posted the best results for the U.S. men both days of the FIS Open in IdreFjäll, Sweden, Nov. 20-21. On Saturday he placed seventh and bested that to first on Sunday. (Instagram @_colemcdonald)

The U.S. Mogul Freestyle Ski Team is back to bumpin’ after wrapping up competition at the FIS Open in IdreFjäll, Sweden, Nov. 20-21. D Team up and comers put their mark on the international field to lead the U.S. contingent.

The FIS Open marks the end of the final pre-season training block for the mogul skiing community. With limited mogul venues around the world at this time of year, many teams opt for several weeks of training in Sweden and finish off the prep period with this first competition opportunity. Athletes are able to put to snow what they’ve been working on all summer and get back into the competition mindset. 

“It’s always so fun to finally put the bibs on and compete after such a long prep,” said World Cup Mogul Coach Riley Campbell. ”We prep from May until November, that’s a really long time to train without competing. So it’s always exciting when it’s time to compete again.”

Cole McDonald posted the best results for the U.S. men on both days. On Saturday he placed seventh and bested that to first on Sunday. "It feels great to finally prove to myself that I am able to compete with the people I have idolized my whole life," said McDonald of his performances.

“Cole skied incredibly well,” said Campbell. “He was just so fast and clean with a really dominant bottom air. On that second day, he proved he was up there with those veteran-level skiers.”

Saturday’s podium was topped by Japan’s Ikuma Horishima, followed by Sweden’s Walter Wallberg in second and Canada’s Elliot Vaillancourt in third. Jesse Andringa, in his first competition since injury, finished sixth, Landon Wendler 15th, Alex Lewis 24th, and Joel Hedrick 26th. McDonald shared the podium on Sunday with Japan’s Ikuma Horishima in second and Sweden’s Walter Wallberg in third. 

Elizabeth Lemley led the women on Saturday, finishing in third place. “Liz skied great,” said Riley. “She threw the highest-scoring highest DD trick in the women’s field, a cork grab. She proved she’s an up and comer to watch.” Kasey Hogg finished 43rd and Alli Macuga did not finish. Lemley shared the podium with Japan’s Rino Yanagimoto in first and Karuka Nakao in second. 

On Sunday, Hogg posted the best U.S. Team result with seventh place. Alli Macuga finished 28th and Lemley finished 58th. Japan’s Yanagimoto won again on Sunday, Kazakhstan’s Anastassiya Gorodko finished second and Japan’s Yuki Kajiwara finished third. 

Nov. 20, Women’s Moguls
Nov. 20, Men’s Moguls
Nov. 21, Women’s Moguls
Nov. 21, Men’s Moguls