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WATCH: Athletes Answer Funny Questions

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
August, 5 2015

Once a summer, U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) partners and sponsors descend on Park City, UT to participate in USSA Partner Summit. Representatives from companies like Spyder, Putnam Investments, Visa and more come for panel discussions, presentations, marketing workshops and various fun events, like working out at the Center of Excellence, mountain biking and watching the Flying Aces soar off the Utah Olympic Park water ramps. U.S. Ski Team members join in on the fun as well, combining their usual workouts with meeting the sponsors that make their athletic pursuits possible.

During this year’s Partner Summit, Ski Racing took time to talk to some of the in-town athletes, asking Mikaela Shiffrin, Hig Roberts, Jared Goldberg, Addison Dvoracek, Katie Ryan and more pressing questions about their favorite songs, lucky pre-race foods, clutch startpack items and other rapid-fire questions.