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Trustee John Bloomberg Passes

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
February, 28 2017

The U.S. Ski and Snowboard Foundation is fortunate to have many dedicated and passionate supporters. Sadly, John Bloomberg, a Park City-based trustee and avid USSA Masters Racer, passed away last week.
John had been a trustee since 2004. He, together with his wife Toni, were enthusiastic supporters of USSA athletes. John was a generous contributor to the organization and the Center of Excellence Legacy Campaign, which has provided millions of dollars to USSA’s athletic programs. The Bloomberg Athlete Lounge, located on the first floor of the Center of Excellence, is named after him.
In addition to supporting the USSA, John was also a Masters racer. He started racing later in life and was one of the first Masters members in Park City when he joined in 1990. Despite no former racing experience, he was able to secure multiple national championship titles in his age group.

“John’s passion for competition and supporting our athletes was unparalleled,” said USSA President and CEO Tiger Shaw. “We thank John, Toni and their entire family for their support. His presence on the course and within our organization will be missed.”
Details on a memorial service for John are to be determined. Condolences can be sent to:

Toni Bloomberg
1248 Skylark Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037