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Athlete Spotlight: Julia Krass

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
July, 29 2014

Coming into the 2013-2014 season, the Olympics weren’t the first thing on Julia Krass’ mind. But, at just 16 years old, a victory at the last Grand Prix tour event in Park City secured her the coveted coaches’ discretionary nomination to the first-ever U.S. Olympic Team for slopestyle skiing. She finished 11th in Sochi in a field of veteran athletes finished out the season ranked sixth for slopestyle on the AFP world ranking list.

With Sochi behind her, Julia is surely setting her sights on the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang. Follow along as she starts that journey and looks to have some fun in the 2014-2015 season!

Name: Julia Krass 

Sport: Slopestyle skiing 

How/when did you decide you wanted to compete: I started competing in all freestyle disciplines when I was eight years old. It wasn't until I was about 14 that I realized how much I loved slopestyle and that I wanted to seriously pursue it. 

Biggest accomplishment in your career so far: My biggest accomplishment in skiing is definitely making the U.S. Olympic team.

Favorite moment from Sochi: My favorite moment during my time in Sochi was when I landed my first run and skied to the bottom. Seeing the stadium full and hearing the roar of the fans still gives me goose bumps. 

Goals for next season: My biggest goal for this upcoming season is to have fun. I also have a few tricks that I want to learn and as far as competing goes, I of course would love to get an invite to X Games. 

Favorite snow destination: There are so many places that I love to ski and it's hard to pick out a favorite. Going over to Europe and skiing in Italy and Switzerland is hard to beat, but I also love Whistler and Park City. 

Favorite non-snow destination: If it doesn't have to do with snow then it might as well be somewhere warm! I’d have to say my favorite place would be the Caribbean.

Favorite candy: I'll admit I'm not a huge candy person, but if I had to pick one it would be smarties.

If you weren't a professional athlete what would you be: At this point in life, I would be your typical high school student caught up in schoolwork and gossip. 

One thing you can’t live without: There are so many things I could never live without but the most obvious for me is my family. They help me in every step that I take and it would be impossible without them. 

Advice to others who want to follow in your footsteps: If you work your hardest and have fun with what you are doing then most likely things will come your way. It might not happen when you want it to or it may happen sooner than you expected but make sure you are enjoying every moment of it.