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Cross Country

Diggins Wins Overall Tour de Ski; Laukli Wins First World Cup at Alpe Cermis

By Courtney Harkins
January, 7 2024
The Stifel U.S. Ski Team hoists Jessie Diggins and Sophia Laukli to celebrate their wins. (NordicFocus)

On a historic day for the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team at the final stage of the Tour de Ski, Jessie Diggins clinched her second overall Tour de Ski victory and Sophia Laukli won her first ever World Cup on the famed Alpe Cermis hill climb and is now the youngest American to ever win a cross country individual World Cup. 

After six stages of races, the athletes were drained, but the last six athletes on the Stifel U.S. Ski Team left in the stage race lined up on the start line to finish out the 2023-24 Tour de Ski. The final stage was a mass start, where all the athletes left in the tour are off the line at once. Off the start line, everyone took a lap around the previous day's 2.5k course, then on a windy path to the start of the infamous climb, which concludes with 4 kilometers straight up an alpine ski mountain. The hill has an average gradient of nearly 12% and peaks with a gradient of 28%.

Diggins led the overall by 43 seconds after the last stage in Val di Fiemme, Italy, and attacked, but two-time Tour de Ski winner Heidi Weng of Norway threatened and pushed the pace. Diggins used everything she had to maintain her overall lead and cross the finish line in sixth, winning the overall by 31.6 seconds. Weng was second in the overall while Kertuu Niskanen of Finland finished third.

But it was Laukli who had the glory of the World Cup stage win. Even with a fall, she powered past her competitors to win easily—barely looking winded as she crossed the finish line. Laukli, this summer’s winner of the overall Golden Trail World Series trail running series, excels at hill climbs and had her first podium in 2023 at the same venue. It is the first time an American has won the Final Climb. 

“I don’t think I’ve let it fully sink in,” said Laukli. “It feels insanely good. It’s super fun to have my first victory, but also have one of the best races of my life—feelings-wise and tactics-wise. Obviously I’ve had the most success in this race, but it’s just really motivating for the rest of the season and future seasons—and in more than just the hill climb. I don’t think I could be more motivated for skiing in general.” 

Behind Laukli, Weng was second and Delphine Claudel of France third. On the Stifel U.S. Ski Team, Rosie Brennan was 12th in the climb and Sammy Smith was 23rd. Brennan also finished 12th in the overall standings, while Laukli was 14th and Smith 26th. 

On the men’s side, Zanden McMullen was 36th in the hill climb and Scott Patterson was 42nd.

Jules Lapierre of France won the stage, with Friedrich Moch of Germany second and Hugo Lapalus of France third. Harald Oestberg Amundsen of Norway won the overall Tour de Ski with Friedrich Moch of Germany in second and Lapalus in third. 



One Stage Left: Diggins Maintains Lead in Tour de Ski Overall Standings

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
January, 6 2024
jessie diggins
Jessie Diggins leads the pack in the 15k mass start classic in Val di Fiemme, Italy. (NordicFocus)

On the second to last race of the Tour de Ski, Jessie Diggins continued her streak of top-10 results with an eighth place finish, giving her the necessary points and time to maintain her commanding lead in the Tour de Ski overall standings. Alongside Diggins in the top 30 was Rosie Brennan in 12th, Sophia Laukli 17th and Sammy Smith in 26th. Scott Patterson was 27th. Diggins now leads the overall by 43 seconds, ahead of Sweden's Joanna Sundling going into tomorrow's final stage. 

On a remarkably bad weather day in Val di Fiemme, Italy, where rain, snow and sleet made for challenging wax conditions and overall tricky weather to race in, the athletes pushed through, with the final race looming in their minds. 

With a 15k mass start on the line, Diggins went into the race with lingering pain due to her crash in the 20k classic in Davos, Switzerland just two days prior.

"I did get pretty hurt in that crash, so I'm in pain," said Diggins, post-race. "I raced today and pushed through it. I'm really proud of myself for being able to ignore it the best I could and focus on the race - and now i'm focused on recovery." 

Off the line, the pack trudged through the classic tracks, with six laps of a hilly 2.5k loop looming. Through each lap, Diggins, Brennan and Laukli traded off positions in the lead pack, often working together to find positioning, with 18-year-old Smith continuing her strong skiing and keeping a solid pace throughout the entire 15k. 

On the final lap, movement was finally happening and going into the last hill, Diggins, Brennan and Laukli were all within the chase pack. On the final stretch, Sweden's Linn Svahn took the overall win, with Diggins in the top 10 and Brennan, Laukli and Smith not far behind.

"It was wet," said Brennan, laughing post-race. "It was very challenging conditions, and sometimes skis worked, sometimes they didn't. It was a mental battle the whole way through but I'm happy that I stayed in the front the whole time and fought the whole way."

For the men, Patterson and Zanden McMullen represented the remaining Stifel U.S. Ski Team men's team and crossed the line in 27th and 31st, respectively. Norway's Erik Valnes ultimately took the victory. Going into stage seven, Patterson sits 20th in the Tour de Ski overall standings. 

Tomorrow, the highly anticipated Final Climb is finally here, a brutal race that takes athletes once around the 2.5k course at Val di Fiemme then up the Alpe de Cermis alpine ski hill - where at points athletes are skiing up a 28% grade. In last year's final climb, Sophia Laukli, now commonly referred to as the "Uphill Queen" nabbed her first-ever podium in the event, crossing the line in third. This year, she is considered the favorite in the event.  



Sunday, Jan. 7
8:30 a.m. ET - men's 10k skate -
9:45 a.m. ET - women's 10k skate -

Brennan, Diggins Go Two-Three in Stage Five of Tour de Ski

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
January, 4 2024
Rosie Brennan and Jessie Diggins on the podium together in Davos, Switzerland in the 20k classic pursuit. (NordicFocus)

In what many would say was one of the most eventful races in World Cup cross country skiing history, the race could have been anyone’s up until the last kilometer. At the end of the day, two Americans were on the podium - Rosie Brennan in second and Jessie Diggins in third. Every single starting American  landed in the top 30. 

With snow accumulating quickly, it made for a complicated kick wax situation, but on the start line, all athletes pushed on the two-lap 20k course. With the high altitude of Davos and limited visibility because of the snow, it made for a fascinating race that kept the fans on the edge of their seat until the bitter end.

Racers were seeded at the start according to their qualifying times in Wednesday’s sprint – minus the bonus time accumulated from the final results, which meant Diggins was not leading off the line. Yet, fresh off a podium result in the skate sprint the night before, Diggins was once again back in the top three - notching her 54th career World Cup podium and fourth podium of the Tour de Ski in the process. Brennan was also back on the podium in second, putting a gutsy and tactical race together. It was Brennan's 11th career podium, and nearly remade the Tour de Ski race from a year ago when Brennan and Diggins were on the podium together in the 20k skate.

In the first lap, the pack was tight together through the long gradual climbs, with limited spots that allowed movement from the line. Due to the challenging wax conditions, all countries were trying something different - some using kick wax and some not - but in the end, the Stifel U.S. Ski Team athletes put all the pieces together to make it work. At the finish, Brennan was just 0.8 seconds back with Diggins overcoming an early fall and pushing through the pain to cross the line in third.

Sophia Laukli, Novie McCabe and Sammy Smith were also in the top 30, led by McCabe in 19th, Laukli in 25th and Smith in 28th, respectively.

For the men, the race seemed like it was on an entirely different day. With the sun shining, the temperatures consistently climbing, making it the Davos World Cup scene so many fans have come to love.

Scott Patterson and Zanden McMullen were the only ones to kick off the start line. Over the two laps, with endless movement and variable speeds, this race proved to be just as exciting as the women’s just an hour before. With strong double pole, tactical moves on the steep climbs, Patterson crossed the line first in 25th with McMullen not far behind in 28th.

Looking ahead to the last two stages in Val di Fiemme, Diggins continues to lead the overall, putting herself in a solid position going into the final two races, with Brennan back in the top 10.

The Tour de Ski now packs up for Val di Fiemme, Italy for two final races, starting with a 15k classic mass start.



Diggins Continues Podium Streak; Schumacher Fourth in Davos Sprint

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
January, 3 2024
Jessie Diggins
Jessie Diggins across the finish line in Davos, Switzerland. (NordicFocus)

The Tour de Ski continued today with an exciting skate sprint in Davos, Switzerland. Jessie Diggins claimed her spot on the podium for the third time this tour, finishing in third place, while Gus Schumacher was just off the podium in fourth - a career-best result. Diggins maintains her lead in the overall standings, while Schumacher rose to fourth place overall.

The first stage in Davos and the fourth stage overall kicked off with more ski racing, featuring a lively skate sprint in the sunny mountain town with fans filling the sprint course to cheer. In the qualifier round, seven Americans, including Diggins, Sammy Smith, Julia Kern, Rosie Brennan, Zanden McMullen, Schumacher and Kevin Bolger, advanced to the heats. Notably, it was McMullen's first time qualifying for the heats in his World Cup career.

The challenging course included a long approach to a steep hill, a fast downhill stretch and a sharp, technical right-hand turn. The strategy was clear – go hard from the start and maintain the effort until crossing the finish line.

Into the quarterfinal heats, where to advance, athletes must be top two in their heat, or hold one of the two third fastest times (commonly referred to as the “lucky loser”), Diggins won her heat, Kern was second, and Schumacher became the lucky loser to secure a place in the semis. Brennan, Smith, Bolger and McMullen did not advance.

In the semifinals, Diggins once again won her heat and Schumacher put the hammer down to post a fast time to secure the lucky loser position again and punch his ticket to his first-ever final sprint round.

As the sun set over the mountains, the final race unfolded with USA staff lining the finish stretch with the stadium lights illuminating the course and flame-throwing pyrotechnics decorating the stadium. Diggins showcased tactical moves, up and down the course and ultimately finished third behind Sweden's Linn Svahn and Norway's Kristine Skistad. For the men, Schumacher finished fourth, securing his career-best result in the process. His previous top sprint result was 18th place. 

Smith and McMullen also had career-best results, finishing in 22nd and 25th, respectively.

The Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team continues to excel, thanks to the athletes' incredible efforts and the dedicated staff working behind the scenes. The team looks forward to the 20k classic pursuit Thursday in Davos before heading to Val di Fiemme, Italy for the final two stages of the 2024 Tour de Ski. Heading into stage five with a podium in every stage so far, the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team is establishing itself as the team to beat.



Diggins Wins 20k Pursuit in Third Stage of Tour de Ski

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
January, 1 2024
jessie diggins
Jessie Diggins celebrates atop the podium in Toblach, Italy in the third stage of the Tour de Ski.

On the third stage of the 2023-24 Tour de Ski, Jessie Diggins clinched her 17th career World Cup victory in the 20k pursuit, maintaining her firm grip on the overall Tour de Ski standings. Meanwhile, Gus Schumacher secured his first top 10 result of the season to solidify his 10th place position in the overall Tour de Ski standings. Each of the first three Tour stages in Toblach, Italy featured a Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athlete on the podium, as the Tour moves on to Davos, Switzerland.

Despite the appearance of a mass start, a pursuit race can come across as complicated from the outside. A pursuit-style race in the Tour de Ski means that those who are leading the overall standings are off the start line first and are “pursued” by those in second place, third place and so on. The first person to cross the finish line at the end wins. The ‘time of day’ result reflects the athlete’s overall speed and is calculated separately than the overall result.

Navigating the challenging five-lap course on slow, wet snow, the racers put the hammer down and showed impressive skiing at each point on the course. The men were on the snow first, with Ben Ogden, fresh off his inaugural podium in the skate sprint, starting third based on his overall Tour ranking. However, Schumacher was the top American for the men and consistently posted top-10 times at each marker, elevating his race in the challenging conditions. His chip time placed him sixth overall in the time of day standings, but he crossed the line in 10th place, adding his first top 10 of the season to his resume. Accompanying him, Scott Patterson secured 28th overall with an impressive 20th in the time of day standings, followed by Zanden McMullen in 48th, Ogden in 63rd, and Kevin Bolger in 65th. 

Diggins, donning the coveted overall leader bib for the pursuit, started seven seconds ahead of the second place athlete, Victoria Karl of Germany. Diggins embarked on the course with a clear mission to widen the gap. Through the splits, Diggins kept on it, leading the race at every turn. Skiing the entire 20k by herself, Diggins had to dig deep and put together a race without any competitors around her. Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athletes Rosie Brennan, Sophia Laukli, Novie McCabe, Sammy Smith and Julia Kern also raced, with Laukli putting together a strong race—highlighting by her winning the ninth fastest time of the day, showcasing her skill in longer distances skate races. Brennan finished 15th, Laukli 21st, McCabe 27th, Kern 45th and Smith 47th.

As the final racer crossed the line, the victory belonged to Diggins, securing her second win in the initial three stages of the Tour and fortifying her leadership in the overall rankings as the race heads to Davos, Switzerland. Stage four features another skate sprint on Jan. 3.

Women's pursuit
Men's pursuit


Diggins Third, Leads Tour de Ski Overall Standings

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
December, 31 2023
jessie diggins
Jessie Diggins celebrates on the podium during stage two of the Tour de Ski. (NordicFocus)

The momentum kept on moving for the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team in the second stage of the Tour de Ski with Jessie Diggins clinching the podium in third place in Toblach, Italy. Rosie Brennan was just off the podium in fourth place and Ben Ogden was ninth in the 10k classic.

It was Diggins' 52nd career podium and fifth individual podium of the 2023-24 season, and she now officially leads the Tour de Ski overall standings by seven seconds going into Monday's 20k skate pursuit. Right in the fight with Diggins was Brennan, who crossed the line in fourth place, adding another top-five result to her stellar 2023-24 resume.

For the men, Ogden led the team in ninth place after his podium finish on Saturday and now is the overall points leader for the Tour de Ski points standing - celebrated after the conclusion of the men's race with Ogden doing a backflip off the podium wearing the yellow bib. He is also third in the chase for the Tour de Ski overall. Off the start line, he was posting positive splits and never ventured out of the top 10, and is in a good place entering the third stage. Gus Schumacher also skied a strong race and finished in 15th, another strong result for the Alaskan. 

In stage two of seven, athletes attacked a fast, icy and challenging 10k classic. With 91 starters for the men and 66 for the women, the field was stacked in Toblach. With women out of the gate first on the two-lap course that featured steep uphills and fast downhills, each athlete pushed to end the year 2023 on a good note with top results. 

In the women's race, Novie McCabe was the first American out for the interval start format. Following McCabe was Sophia Laukli, Brennan, Sammy Smith, Diggins and Julia Kern. Through the splits, Brennan and Diggins were in the fighting position for podiums throughout the entire race, with Brennan leading at 2.1k, 3k, 5k, 8k time checks. Brennan's result adds to her stellar 2023-24 season, where she has only ventured out of the top-10 twice. 

"I wanted to ski with conviction today and go out and see what was possible, so I tried to set a good pace from the beginning and hold on," said Brennan, post race. "I did that relatively well, I lost some time at the end, but sometimes that the way it works! But I am really proud about how I was skiing today and am happy to have a stronger race than yesterday."

At the end, Diggins pushed into another gear to land on the podium, with Brennan just seconds out of the top three. 

"Today was really cool to get to share my day with my family. I heard them out on the course and that was amazing to have them there in person, as they don't get to see many races live," said Diggins. "Also, my skis were amazing again today. I mean, this is a team sport, not an individual sport; it's a team effort and you can't succeed in this sport without competitive skis and our techs are working so hard and our success today was in a big part because of them. I'm just really grateful and really proud about today!"

McCabe scored top-30 World Cup points in 29th. Laukli took 39th, Smith 52nd and Kern 59th. 

Rounding out the men, Scott Patterson was 40th, Zanden McMullen 50th and Kevin Bolger 72nd. 

On Monday, the journey in Toblach ends with the 20k pursuit skate race, with men kicking off the line at 4:00 a.m. ET and women at 6:30 a.m. ET. 



Ogden Secures First Career Podium in Stage One of Tour de Ski

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
December, 30 2023
Ben Ogden
Ben Ogden celebrates on the podium for the first time in his career. (NordicFocus)

On the first stage of the 2023-24 Tour de Ski, under the sunset over the Dolomites mountain range, Ben Ogden went on to secure his first career podium in the Toblach skate sprint.

Alongside Ogden, Jessie Diggins finished in the top 10 in ninth place.

The Tour de Ski has officially started, with hundreds of athletes lining up at the start line to kick off the first stage with a skate sprint in the city of Toblach, Italy. As the Tour de Ski rules state, an athlete is eliminated from the Tour if they do not start a race, and in today's sprint, the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team showed up strong, with six Americans advancing to the sprint heats, a feat not easily done. 

Today was Ogden's day. Coming off a strong period one in Scandinavia, Ogden was restless to get the Tour started, starting off with his preferred race style - a sprint. In the qualification round, he was in a good position, crossing the line in eighth place. Alongside him going into the heats were teammates Kevin Bolger and Gus Schumacher. 

Into the rounds, Ogden kept the momentum going all the way through to the final. Towards the end of the heats, the snow was getting choppier and messier by the second, but that did not stop Ogden from pushing it around every corner, each downhill and up the steep uphills (even the one that goes over a building) to snag third place.

"This was really fun. I just feel like I was able to execute every heat and it worked well for me. I couldn't believe I was in that position at the finish line and I just thought to myself that I had what it takes to just land on the podium," Ogden said, seconds after spraying his celebratory champagne over his whole team. "This is a crazy feeling. A fantastic race to start the tour after a hard summer and a hectic start to the season. I'm really proud of myself for today."

Ogden's hard summer references his father John Ogden, who passed away after a decade-long battle with cancer. John Ogden was beloved in the cross country world, having coached for many years and passionately cheered on his children - Ben and former U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athlete Katharine - as they raced throughout their careers.

Ogden had shown his speed last season on the World Cup, securing six top-10 results and coming away from the season with the U23 green bib, distinguishing him as the fastest male athlete under the age of 23 on the circuit. This season, he was just off the podium in fourth place in Östersund, while his teammate JC Schoonmaker became the first American man to step on a World Cup podium since 2017. With Ogden's podium in Toblach, it marks the first time two different American men have been on the podium in the same season since 1983 (Tim Caldwell and Bill Koch).

Rounding out the men's race, Schumacher and Bolger did not punch their ticket to the final, but it was a highlight for Schumacher, who walked away with the best sprint result of his career in 18th. Bolger was 24th.

For the women, Diggins led the way, landing in the top 10 in ninth place, with teammate Julia Kern right behind in 11th. Rosie Brennan was 27th. In the qualifications, Diggins qualified second, Kern was sixth and Brennan 14th. The day came to a close for Brennan in the quarterfinals, but her focus is now on her favorite race, the 10k classic. For the World Cup overall leader Diggins, a top 10 is a race to celebrate and for Kern, an 11th is added to her impressive World Cup resume. 

Sammy Smith, Novie McCabe, Sophia Laukli, Zanden McMullen and Scott Patterson did not qualify through to the heats, and will now look to Sunday's race.

Tomorrow, the team is back in Toblach for the second stage of the Tour, the 10k classic. Watch LIVE on, with women starting at 6:15 a.m. ET and men at 9 a.m. ET. 

Women's sprint
Men's sprint

Brennan Podiums in Trondheim; Diggins Fourth, Ogden Eighth

By Leann Bentley - Stifel U.S. Ski Team
December, 17 2023
rosie brennan
Rosie Brennan celebrates her second place result in the 10k classic. (NordicFocus)

In the final race of a three-race series in Trondheim, Norway, the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athletes were once again back on top with Rosie Brennan on the podium in second, Jessie Diggins only seconds behind in fourth and Ben Ogden in eighth in the 10k classic.

The classic tracks were wet from moisture, the air was warm and the start list was packed with talent. Athletes skied around the course twice, racking up 11k of trail when it was all said and done. Among the seven American men starters, Ogden led the way. At each time check, he was in the mix, skiing a smart and tactical race, honing in on his classic ski strength to finish in eighth. Not far behind was the young Alaskan Zanden McMullen in 29th, adding another World Cup top-30 result to his resume. 

For the women, Brennan reaffirmed her dominance, showcasing her versatility in every event. Starting conservatively, Brennan accelerated mid-race and never relinquished her podium position. At the 5.2k mark, she trailed the leader by a mere 10 seconds, closing the gap the more she skied. In the final stretch, Brennan put down a powerful sprint, crossing the line in second place, just two seconds ahead of Sweden's Ebba Andersson and 19 seconds behind the day's victor, Victoria Carl of Germany. Diggins was just off the podium in fourth place. 

Reflecting on the team's exceptional performance, Brennan said, "It's been an incredibly strong start from our entire team. It's not something we planned, but we'll gladly take it. Our team is in excellent shape, skiing well, and things are moving in a positive direction."

After four weeks of racing, the Stifel U.S. Cross Country Ski Team closed out the first period of racing with one of the program's most impressive starts to a season in history. Throughout the 10 races, spanning four different venues and three countries, the team landed on the podium nine times, in both individual and team pursuits. Overall, the 23-athlete-strong roster is third in the Nations Cup standings, ahead of powerhouse countries like Finland, Germany, France and Italy. 

In the battle for the overall title, Jessie Diggins maintains her lead, with Brennan closely trailing in third—a historic positioning with two Americans occupying the top two spots. Individually, Brennan, currently ranked second in the World Cup overall, has consistently finished within the top 10 in every race of the season but one. On the men's side, Ben Ogden continues to make waves, securing another top-10 result and hovering on the edge of the top 10 in 11th place for the World Cup overall.

As the team looks back on the achievements of period one, there is much to celebrate—multiple podiums, outstanding skis in each race, career-best results and a strong sense of camaraderie within the team.

"Podiums are always fun for the team, and even when it’s coming from just one athlete," said Matt Whitcomb, Head Coach. "So imagine what it feels like to come out of period one with five athletes that have stood on it. And beyond that, we have new athletes in the top 30 and top 15 for the first time. We’ve built some depth, and that depth is like a ladder of possibility that extends down to the racers back home. More American athletes know they can do it. And they are going to. You’ll hear their names soon."

Anticipation builds for the upcoming Tour de Ski, with the American team emerging as the one to watch, but for now, the entire team will take a break for the holidays.
