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Cross Country

Kern Sixth in Drammen City Sprints

By Leann Bentley
March, 14 2023
Julia Kern
Julia Kern double poles her way to a win in the semi-final heat in the Drammen City Sprints. (NordicFocus)

The Drammen City Sprints are unlike anything on the World Cup circuit and today Julia Kern crossed the finish line in sixth place, adding another top-10 result to her hefty resume. 

Shutting down main street, trucking in snow, setting the 1.2k course with four lanes of classic track, the Drammen City Sprints bring some of the most exciting ski racing to the center stage. With fans lining the entire course, flags hanging from apartment buildings balcony's to the start and finish on the steps of a famous church, the atmosphere is just electric. With only two more weeks of World Cup racing left, the best athletes in the world are giving it their all until the very end. 

For the U.S., Kern led the day for the women and Ben Ogden led for the men. Kern initially qualified in 17th, right behind teammate Rosie Brennan (16th) and Jessie Diggins (14th). Today, Kern was focused on one thing: her double pole. 

"Where do I begin!" Kern said in her post-race voice memo. "Drammen is one of the coolest city sprints I saw growing up and I always dreamed about racing here, so to be here and to qualify - something that a few years ago felt out of reach - it was really cool. Huge props to the team, the snow was tricky and we were testing everything from hard wax, to klister to zero's today. Just huge props to our tech team!"

In the semis, Kern won after being in the back of the pack at the beginning of the downhill to finishing in first, best in part to her strong double pole and wickedly fast skis. Next, the final. With a packed heat, Kern stayed with the pack until a small gap began to form on the second to last final climb. Tactically, she knew she wanted to be in the mix to out-sprint her competitors on the downhill into the finish but ski racing is ski racing! Kern crossed the line in sixth place and will now rest and reset before Falun.

"For my races, I was happy to see my double pole finish was my strength of the day. Going into the semis, I knew it would be a stacked heat but I was able to ski the downhill really well and push around the corners and then slingshot, going from sixth to first in that downhill! In the final, anything was possible. I am really proud of how I skied and the skis I was on - thanks to my tech Eli Brown!" 

For Ogden, it was a similar story to Kern's - fast tempo, strong double pole. Qualifying in 11th place, Ogden was in the mix from the start. In his quarterfinal heat, Ogden was out of the gate fast. With his signature "Benny Shuffle", he out-sprinted his competitors from the gun and made a large gap for nearly the entire 1.2k race. Yet, on the final climb into the stadium, his competitors caught up and he finished second, enough to move onto the semis. In the semis, the story read the same. He set the pace and everyone had to give it their all to keep up. At the end, he did not advance, but his skiing was inspiring today. 

Zak Ketterson also advanced to the heats, after taking a few weeks off of the World Cup circuit and heading back home to Minnesota. Ketterson, in front of his family and fiancé, advanced to the heats. "It was my first classic sprint in a decent amount of time," said Ketterson. "Drammen is one of those events that you get really excited about and I was really stoked to qualify and do it here on a course that I struggled with in the past. It was an awesome day, make the heats, and a great amount of confidence going into the next races!" At the end of the day, Ketterson finished 23rd. 

Another highlight of the day was the first-ever World Cup start for Sammy Smith, the youngest athlete on the team. A multi-talented athlete, Smith plays soccer, was named to the U-17 World Cup soccer team, is an avid runner and freestyle skier. Smith did not advance today in Drammen but finished 36th on the biggest stage. 

For the rest of the women's team, Brennan was in the fastest quarter-final heat of the day, but did not advance to the semis and finished the day in 14th. For Diggins, coming off the 50k just a few days earlier, did not advance from the heats and ended the day in 21st. Hailey Swirbul was just off the brink of qualifying, crossing the line in 31st. For the men, JC Schoonmaker did not advance to the heats and finished qualifiers in 37th place and Logan Diekmann was 42nd. 

Falun is next with a 10k classic, skate sprint, and 4.x5k mixed team relay! 


Diggins Third in First Ever Women's 50k

By Leann Bentley
March, 12 2023
jessie on the podium
Jessie Diggins celebrates her third place on the podium at the Holmenkollen 50k. (Nordic Focus)

"It was a beautiful day to make history," said Hailey Swirbul.

It was a historic day on the World Cup with the women racing the first ever 50k and 2023 World Champion Jessie Diggins crossed the finish line in third place. 

The Holmenkollen 50k is one of the longest running cross country ski races in the world and is known to be one of the most grueling courses on the circuit - and historically, only the men raced this course. This year, it was the women's turn. 

Diggins, Rosie Brennan, Hailey Swirbul and Alayna Sonnesyn were the four athletes to represent the U.S. on the historic start line and through the 31 miles, with over 6,000+ feet of vertical gain, contributed to one of the most exciting races we have seen all season. 

From the start, it was a test. With six total laps around the course in the metropolis of Oslo, with tens of thousands of fans camped out on the side of the trail, 32 women representing countries all around the world did what has never been done before - race the Holmenkollen 50k.

“Today was a victory for women's skiing and a victory for skiing in general," said Chad Salmela and former U.S. Cross Country Ski Team and Olympic champion Kikkan Randall said during the live broadcast. 

Through the time markers, Diggins and Brennan were in the lead pack, showcasing their strengths and pushing a fast pace. Diggins continued to pick skiers off and stayed consistent in the top three, supported by her efforts on the downhills and strong tempo on the flats and climbs. Unlike many of her competitors and supported by Randall's commentary, Diggins tuck on the downhill is lower than anyone else in the field, making her more aerodynamic and ultimately faster. With the course playing to her strengths, with a 1.5k downhill into the finish, Diggins had the tools to  finish on top.

At the halfway point in the race, there were no ski exchanges meaning that all athletes were still skiing on their original racers. But, that quickly changed on the next lap through the stadium, when the majority of the field skied into the exchange zone for a fresh pair of skis. Diggins and Brennan both exchanged quickly and gained some time on their competitors, putting nearly five seconds from the next racer.

"I was excited and honored to be part of this historical moment where women were able to do a 50k, and not just a 50k but a 50k on the hardest course we race," said Brennan. "It certainly was challenging but we did it and that was really cool."

With American fans lining the course with the signature 'USA' face paint drawn on their faces, the vibes were high and the cheering could be heard for miles. The Holmenkollen has been called one of the most electric places to race on the World Cup circuit and the athletes can agree, saying that racing this course is an unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

With the atmosphere surely inspiring the skiers on course, Brennan, Swirbul, Sonnesyn and Diggins gave it everything they had. 

With a couple of kilometers left, the highlights of the day center around several points, including Diggins winning nearly every sprint bonus on course and earning more points and time toward the FIS crystal globe, to Brennan skiing a gutsy and hard race while helping set a fast pace for over 30 miles, to the younger Sonnesyn and Swirbul skiing on the biggest stage on the World Cup. 

"You have to be so methodical and confident over the long run to find success as this level," said Randall. "And today's race was about as good as it gets in ski racing."

In the end, Diggins took the advantage by tucking and drafting into the finish lane, to which she then sprinted into the finish and toed the line only .5 seconds from second and third. The day was ultimately won by Ragnhild Haga of Norway. In second was Astrid Oeyre Slind of Norway and third was our very own Diggins. 

"I was out for bonus points and skied a smart and controlled race," said Diggins. "I did the very best job I could in preparing for this race, but I did start cramping at 25k, which is pretty early on! But, I knew that I would feel this, it was not unexpected and instead I focused on what I could control. I was thrilled to find myself in the sprint-out fighting for the win, especially to battle back after all of the muscle spasms. It was such a cool thrill and stoked for the women that were on the podium with me!" 

Coming off a packed World Championships, where she competed in every race, Brennan was 13th overall. Swirbul, crossing the finish line with a huge smile across her face was 25th and Sonnesyn, who expressed how incredible it was to be on this historic start-line, was 30th. 

"I am really stoked to have checked that goal off the list," said Swirbul as she reflected on racing the 50k. "My coach calls these long distance races the 'races of royalty' and I think that really sums up what the feels like to me. I feel like a race like the 50k really embodies the spirit of nordic skiing as a whole and what it's really all about." 

"It definitely was a tough day out there but so happy for Jessie and the team!" said Sonnesyn. "I had a really good first three laps and unfortunately not everything was dialed but really proud of the effort I gave out there considering everything. So cool to be a part of the historical day - and there were so many American fans out there cheering which was really cool to hear my name being yelled, so that was really cool."

Now that the 50k is in the bank, there are two weeks left of the World Cup season. Diggins is a top contender for the overall World Cup crystal globe and the distance overall, only a few points behind Norway's Tiril Udnes Weng. Brennan is in fourth in the overall points standings, in both distance and overall. 

To cap off the day, Diggins reflects on the importance of this race. "I think it absolutely is the right message we want to send to young girls all over the world that you work just as hard as the guys, you train just as hard, you should get to race the same exact races. Today, we got a chance to show that we absolutely can do this and it was awesome." 

The team will rest before the Drammen city sprints this Tuesday, March 14. 

Women's 50k Skate Results
Overall World Cup Results

Four in the Top 30 in Holmenkollen 50k

By Leann Bentley
March, 11 2023
david norris
David Norris charging uphill in the Holmenkollen in Oslo, Norway. (NordicFocus)

The Holmenkollen mass start 50k race is one of the most attended and popular races on the World Cup circuit. Held in downtown Oslo, the race dates back to the early 1900s and officially became part of the FIS World Cup circuit in 1981. Since then, it is a staple on the calendar and brings tens of thousands of spectators to the long, windy course to cheer on the best ski racers in the world. 

Today, March 11, just a week after many of these athletes raced in the 2023 World Championships 50k race in Planica, Slovenia, lined up to the finish line in Oslo. Representing the U.S. was Scott Patterson, Hunter Wonders, Gus Schumacher and David Norris. Just last week, Patterson led the team in 16th in Slovenia, while Norris was seconds behind in 22nd, Schumacher in 28th and Wonders in 31st. Today, results were similar, but better!

On the 31 mile track, with over 6,000 feet of elevation gain, Norris led the way in 17th, Patterson was 18th, Wonders was 23rd and Schumacher was 28th - all landing within the top 30 and adding more World Cup points to their 2022-23 season resume. 

The sun was out, the fans were ready and you could feel the excitement even on the furthest part of the course. With great conditions, the course was fast and the pace never slowed. 

Norris led the team for the day and taking a deeper dive into his splits, he never ventured from the top 20. At the 27.9k marker, Norris was in 12th place, in the chase pack. From there, he fell a few spots to 19th at 36.2k but stayed consistent in his pace and crossed the line in 17th in a time of one hour and 58 minutes. His 17th place marks a career best World Cup 50k result. 

"Today went well for me," said Norris. "No major mishaps and I have pretty good energy considering my schedule. Third 50 in three weeks! I'm so grateful that the Steamboat Winter Sports Club allowed me to come here for two weeks. This has been a great experience. The team here has been wonderful to join back up with."

For Patterson, he finished right behind Norris. In the start of the race, Patterson was keeping position within the top 15. At the 3k to 19k markers, Patterson was moving between 12th place and 14th place, taking turns leading the chase pack. At the end of the day, Patterson still broke into the top 20 and finished only three minutes behind the leader. 

"It was an interesting tactical race," said Patterson. "It was a so-so day, hoping for a little more but we still have two more weeks of the World Cup and looking to finishing off the season strong!"

For Wonders, the story was similar to that of his teammates. Wonders never ventured far from the top 25. He was 13th going into the first marker and then in the mid 20s through the rest. The pace was fast around the tight corners of the course and Wonders stuck his ground and crossed the line in 23rd, a career-best individual World Cup 50k result. 

Schumacher skied right with Wonders nearly the entire race, going back and fourth with him and his teammates in the 20-28th place range. For Schumacher, he crossed the line in 28th and will leave this race with a career-best individual World Cup 50k result. 

"it was a crazy day!" said Schumacher. "I am psyched on it. It felt really good for the first four laps. The atmosphere was great and it was just really fun. I wouldn't trade it for the World, my first time was all I expected it to be and I am looking forward to the rest of the season!"

At the end of the day, Norway took over the podium. Simen Hegstad Krueger took first, Hans Christer Holund was second and ML Nyenget was third. 

Now, the men will rest before heading to Drammen for Tuesday's race. 

Men's 50k

Her Turn: Women to Race First-Ever 50k Race at the Holmenkollen

By Leann Bentley
March, 9 2023
Jessie Diggins, Rosie Brennan, Hailey Swirbul and Julia Kern after their third place team-relay result. (NordicFocus)

History is about to be made in Oslo, Norway over the weekend. For the first time ever, the women will race the 50k Holmenkollen - the same distance as the men - on the World Cup circuit. 

Based off the historic equal-distance vote by the Federation of International Skiing (FIS) in 2022, a notion was put forward to have both men and women race the same distance on the World Cup circuit. Following a vote during the FIS Cross Country committee meeting in May of 2022, the decision passed, allowing both genders to race the same distances in the 10k, 20k, skiathlon and 50k.

Now, with the end of the World Cup season around the corner, the highly anticipated 50k Holmenkollen for both men and women is on deck. 

The Holmenkollen 50k cross country ski race dates back to 1888. Traditionally, the men who lined up on the start line would smoke pipes to increase their lung capacity to give them a better chance of finishing the grueling 31 mile race. 

Set up in the city of Oslo, the Holmenkollen is one of the oldest and hardest ski races in the world. With tens of thousands of fans lining the course, many camping out for days to capture a good spot, the course is far from easy. Skiers will climb over 6,000 feet of elevation throughout the 50km; the course has the most vertical gain of any Olympic or World Cup course in history. 

As the former Oslo sport director said in 2011, "Everyone in cross country skiing community will see the winner of the 50km as the toughest skier of the season."

This year, four women will represent the United States on the start line and make history in doing so. 2023 World Champion and three-time Olympic medalist Jessie Diggins will lead the team, along with teammates Rosie Brennan, Hailey Swirbul and Alayna Sonnesyn.

"I am so so excited to finally get to ski a 50km race!" said Diggins. "I have been waiting my entire career for this race and we finally get a chance at the Holmenkollen. I am just so excited to ski my heart out and finally get a chance to ski this incredible and iconic race."

Earning two medals in the 2023 World Championships, including a historic gold in the 10k skate and team bronze with Julia Kern, Diggins has had a very successful 2022-23 season. Since November, Diggins has been on the podium seven times and after her 14th World Cup win in Davos, Switzerland, she became the most decorated U.S. cross country skier of all time.  

With Diggins are teammates Brennan, Swirbul and Sonnesyn. Brennan is a two-time Olympian, secured a career-best fourth place in the 2022-23 Tour de Ski, has represented her country at five World Championships and just days ago secured a World Championships fifth place in the 30km classic.

"I couldn't be more excited for the first women's 50km on the World Cup this weekend. It definitely is a little intimidating - 50km is far but it's also a great challenge," said Brennan. "I am really excited to have the journey out there with the whole women's pack and I think it will be a really exciting race. Equal distance has been such a cool experience to be a part of and so has been showing all the young girls out there that we are as capable as all the boys. I can't wait to give it a go this weekend!"

Swirbul, who is coming fresh off her best-ever World Championships result with an 18th place finish in the 30k, swept all three races at the 2022-23 National Championships and represented the USA at the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games.

"Guess who gets to race the Holmenkollen 50km in just a few days?! The women!" said Swirbul. "I am so stoked to be a part of it, our team is going to slay and it will be such a memorable experience to be a part of the first 50km for women on the World Cup. Let's go!"

Sonnesyn rounds the four U.S. athletes competing on Sunday. Sonnesyn had her first World Cup start in 2019 and has raced in several since. This season, Sonnesyn skied to her career-best result in the 20k skate pursuit, finishing fifth place based off of time, at the Tour de Ski and will enter her last World Cup of the season by first making history on the 50km start line. 

Be a part of the history and tune in on Sunday, March 12, at 4:15 a.m. ET on with commentary by former U.S. Cross Country Ski Team athlete and Olympic champion Kikkan Randall and NBC's Chad Salmela.