
No Retina
XS Screen (480px)
SM+ Screen
SM Screen (768px)
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MD+ Screen
MD Screen (992px)
MD- Screen
LG+ Screen
LG Screen (1200px)
LG- Screen
XL+ Screen (1600px)

Background Screening Requirement

Please register for your background screening through the link below:



You will need to complete this requirement on a computer, laptop or other device that allows for uploading a picture of your driver’s license or passport. File size must be less than 4MB.

If more information is needed to complete your background screening, NCSI will notify you via email from:

NCSI Screening Link:
Time Commitment: 15 minutes
International Screenings:

If you live or have lived outside the United States within the past seven (7) years, you will receive an email from: The email will include an International Consent form for the international portion of your screening. You may also be requested to provide additional documentation. Please use the link provided to respond.

Please make sure to look for this email to complete your screening process in a timely manner. You may need to check your spam/other folder.

Turnaround Time: Processing times vary. Register for your screening immediately to ensure your membership is activated in a timely manner.
  • U.S. Ski &Snowboard cannot guarantee screening turnaround time.
  • International Screening can take several weeks to clear.
Need Help?: Call NCSI at: 866-996-7412 or by email: