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Faye Gulini Visits Kids in Kyrgyzstan

By U.S. Ski & Snowboard
March, 24 2015

In the middle of February and the height of snowboarding season, Faye Gulini took a break from snowboardcross to fly to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. But the trip was not for a competition. Instead, Gulini visited three schools to meet teenagers, and taught a group of 30 kids at an orphanage how to snowboard as a Sports Envoy for the U.S. Department of State SportsUnited division.

"They didn't have the best equipment," said Gulini to "Most of them were in jeans and they were soaking wet, and they fell about a hundred times, but they kept getting up and were all smiles."

Not only was the trip rewarding, but Gulini was able to have an impression on young girls in Kyrgyzstan—showing the kids what girls can do if they never give up.

Read the full story about Gulini’s amazing trip on