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Stifel U.S. Alpine Ski Team

Member Categories, Costs and Discounts

U.S. Ski & Snowboard members who are turning 18 years of age during the season or older who are in regular contact with or in a position of authority over athletes are required to complete several requirements to activate their membership.

  • Annual SafeSport training
  • Periodic background screening (every 2 seasons)

Members 17 years of age and older must have their own online account to gain access to the courses. Linked members will be unable to access the instructions.

Short-term members and those alpine masters who are not in regular contact with or in a position of authority over athletes are excluded from these requirements.

U.S. Ski & Snowboard has a no-refund policy for memberships and licenses. Further, memberships may not be transferred from person to person or season to season.