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Dani Loeb headshot image

Dani Loeb

2023 NorAm Tour Winner
  • Hometown
    Pintlala, Alabama
  • Team
    Aerials A
  • Years on Team
    5 (since 2021)
  • Born
  • Club(s)
    Elite Aerial Development Program
  • School:
    University of Utah
  • Facebook
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Alabama native Dani Loeb, part of the stacked U.S. aerials team, has 10 NorAm Cup wins, three World Cup top-10s, and was part of the 2023 World Championships roster. 

Before being named to the national team, Dani was formerly on the Park City Freestyle Team, and before she even started competitively skiing, she took part in gymnastics in Coppell, Texas. Beyond skiing, Dani currently has a podcast, enjoys spending time outdoors, and is also passionate about her involvement with the nonprofit Start With One, which among many other things, provides clean water to communities in need. 

Loeb was the 2023 NorAm Tour Champion, with six NorAm Cup wins last season alone. 

"Storms make trees take deeper roots - Dolly Parton"

4 Things You Didn't Know About Dani Loeb

  • 1. Dani was a gymnast in Coppell, Texas before getting in aerial skiing through a friend. So technically, her aerials career started with gymnastics.
  • 2. Dani has a podcast... but its on the "DL".
  • 3. Dani is involved with the nonprofit Start With One, which among many things, provides clean water to communities in need.
  • 4. Fun fact: shr once road a buffalo named Dave.


Dani's Favorite Gear!

Check out Dani's top picks from the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Gear Collection!