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Teter Runs for the Special Olympics

By Courtney Harkins
June, 1 2015

Hannah Teter’s pride and joy is not just about her Olympic gold and silver medals, her World Cup victories and her World Championships bronze. While those are impressive accomplishments in her storied career, her real passion is for the Special Olympics and the work she’s done for the organization.

In May, Teter headed to New England to participate in a leg of Unified Relay Across America—a run, bike, skate or walk through all 50 states over six weeks to raise money for the Special Olympics. While Teter was supposed to appear at the kick off of the relay in Augusta, ME, she encountered airline trouble that held her up in Chicago. But after plane delays, she headed east and met up with her parents and two of her brothers in Montpelier, VT to ran a relay leg with her two siblings—taking turns holding the runner’s torch and igniting the cauldron at the state capitol.  

Read about her trip east, from where her passion for the Special Olympics stemmed and where else she plans on running the Unified Relay in Devon O’Neil's piece about Teter on